Chapter 12

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"Hi, Miss AnAn, can you tell us if you are Nie AnAn?" "Miss AnAn, did you hire a think tank to help you in creating a brand new image? Is your latest image set as a gold medal chef? Are you considering the entertainment industry?" "Miss AnAn, did you have your tattoos removed for the purpose of joining the filming of 'Gold Medal Inn' in order to pursue Mr. Qin ZiMing?" "Miss AnAn, do you know that Mr. Qin has a girlfriend and she was also part of the cast? Are you embarrassed going after Mr. Qin like that?" "Miss AnAn, are you openly trying to be the third person in their relationship?" The reporters words were sharp. Their purpose was to catch the attention of the public; they didn't care whether their questions would cause any damage to their subject.

Nie AnAn, surrounded by the reporters, looked small and pitiful. She bit her pale lower lip and said with her soft voice, "I am sorry, perhaps my actions in the past had brought about troubles to others. Even though I don't remember much of what I have done in the past, everyone should be responsible for their own actions. "So if I have done any wrongs in the past that caused any inconvenience for Mr. Qin, I am apologizing to him right here right now. And, at the same time, I want to clarify that I am not interested in Mr. Qin. I joined the filming of 'Gold Medal Inn' for the purpose of making money and had no idea that Mr. Qin was one of the secret guests." "If everyone still thinks that that isn't good enough, I will take a different path whenever I see Mr. Qin in the future. Will that work?" As she said that, her eyes had reddened, and she looked like a little bullied bunny.

The reporters were dumbfounded when they saw that. She didn't seem like she was faking it at all. Her softness and cuteness were obviously innate to her. Did that mean they had the wrong person? Yet, there were still those ruthless ones who pointed their camera back at her once again and asked, "Miss AnAn, so you admit to pursuing Mr. Qin in the past then? You said you don't remember what you have done, are you trying to make excuses for yourself?"

Before Nie AnAn could respond, someone had pushed through the reporters and walked right in a domineering fashion. Nie AnAn turned and looked. She was surprised to see Huo YanXiao being there. He had on a button down shirt and pants, as though he came straight from a business meeting. There was a cold, deep, and awe-inspiring atmosphere emitting from him.

He dragged her behind him, and his stocky body blocked all the cameras all at once. "Everyone, my sister does not need to explain herself to anyone! Nor did she need to apologize to anyone!" Huo YanXiao scanned over everyone. In a warning tone, he said, "That's pretty mighty of you all to surround a helpless girl. If you are so mighty, I guess you can guarantee that your companies will go on forever." His words startled everyone. They were well aware how vindictive of a person Huo YanXiao was. Plus, he was into mergers and acquisitions. As a capitalist, he would dabble into every industry.

So what he was saying now was that he was about to go into the media field? Everybody felt a chill down their spines, as though they had already seen the day when they had all lost their jobs and couldn't make ends meet. Immediately, some of them wanted to slip away. It's best not to offend this grim reaper. The last thing that Huo YanXiao threw down was, "You should also pay special attention to the news between my sister and Mr. Qin posted ten minutes ago."

Right when he was done talking, some of the reporters received some phone calls. After a quiet pause, they immediately ran over to where Qin ZiMing was. "Mr. Qin, there was news on the internet that you self-directed the story of Miss Nie AnAn pursuing you. Is that true?" "Mr. Qin, I watched the video clip from Club Tianlan. It didn't seem like Miss Nie AnAn was into you at all. It was you who tried several times to strike up a conversation with her. Do you think there might have been some misunderstandings there?" "Mr. Qin..."

By now, Huo YanXiao had already pulled Nie AnAn out from behind him. Holding onto her hand, he walked toward the outside while ignoring all the reporters. His huge body casted a shadow over her. She just let him hold her hand and followed him obediently in quick steps inside his shadow. Nie AnAn looked at the man next to her dubiously. She thought he was ignoring her? Why was he at the airport? And spoke up for her? The internet news that he mentioned, was he the one who prepared that?

"Big brother." Nie AnAn called out softly from behind him, "Where are we going?" "Home," said Huo YanXiao concisely. "My luggage is still at the airport." Nie AnAn was a little anxious. She had no idea where her luggage went to when she was surrounded by the reporters. Her nutritionist certification was still in there.

"My guys had picked it up already." Having said that, Huo YanXiao had already led Nie AnAn to the parking lot. "Thank you, big brother," replied Nie AnAn obediently. The man, on the other hand, stopped suddenly. Towering over her, he asked, "Why did you join the show?"

Nie AnAn pursed her lips and said, "Because I wanted to make money. The director told me that it pays $10,000 a season." "Why do you need to make money?" asked Huo YanXiao again. "Because..." Nie AnAn's puffed up her cheeks a little and said softly, "I want to move... move out."

"You are not moving out." Huo YanXiao looked at Nie AnAn's fuzzy head. He wanted to rub her on her head but stopped himself. Recollecting himself, he said, "Don't even think about it." "Oh," replied Nie AnAn. Seeing that, Huo YanXiao asked again, as though looking for a confirmation, "Are you still going to move out?" Looking like she felt very wronged, Nie AnAn pouted and said, "I guess not."

Was that a peace offering? Were all villain bosses like that? Even their peace offerings were so forceful, nothing warm about them. Right now, back in the airport, Nie ChengFeng casually watched on as Qin ZiMing was surrounded by the reporters. His eyes darkened a little. The Nie's and the Qin's had always been partners in business. They were supposed to go meet with a client in a little bit. Watching what was going on, he stood over to one side to wait for Qin ZiMing.

When Qin ZiMing finally lost the reporters and rejoined Nie ChengFeng, his always smiley face now looked impatient. "How did it feel being surrounded by reporters?" chuckled Nie ChengFeng. "Are you seriously making fun of me right now?" frowned Qin ZiMing, "I don't know what was wrong with them today. They just asked me a bunch of random questions."

Suddenly, Nie ChengFeng said in a serious tone, "I don't want to say this, but our families will continue to work together for the next dozens of years to come. Who you choose and how far you can go will also have an impact on the Qin's businesses." "What do you mean by that," asked Qin ZiMing, baffled.

"The news that Nie AnAn was fond of you was leaked from your phone yesterday afternoon. And of everyone in the cast, we were the only two who have access to our cellphones." Nie ChengFeng continued, "AnAn was but a regular person, no matter how successful 'Gold Medal Inn' was, her words will never carry remotely as much weight as words from a star. And yet, she made it into the top 10 most searched list. I don't believe that could be accomplished without the help of a water army."

Qin ZiMing was stunned a little, then different emotions flashed through his face. "ManGe is not that kind of a person." "No worries. Just a friendly reminder. We are done talking about that, let's head to our meeting." Nie ChengFeng patted Qin ZiMing on his shoulder.

At the same time, over at the Nie's, Mr. and Mrs. Nie were watching the news. When they saw that Nie AnAn was surrounded and bombarded by the reported, Mrs. Nie was furious, "What the hell was that? Look how cute little AnAn was. This was the first time I liked any girl from a variety show. This girl just looked so approachable. I can't believe those reporters would attack her like that!"

Mr. Nie frowned as well, "Isn't ChengFeng there as well? Call him and have him go help AnAn out!"

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