Chapter 33

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While Qin Hai was getting ready to make an announcement to the media, Nie AnAn had just finished lunch over the Nie's. She was just about to take off when Mother Nie held her hand.

"AnAn, we have never had a nice chat. My friend sent over some good tea today, you must try some of it!" Mother Nie decided on a lengthier approach and first had someone go steep some tea. She was so friendly and passionate that Nie AnAn couldn't insist on leaving right away, so she took a seat.

The maid brought over the steeped tea. Mother Nei took a sip and asked, seemingly casually, "AnAn, we heard about the latest news about your brother. We are a little bit worried for you." Nie AnAn looked up and asked, "Why?" "What are you going to do if your brother moved back to the Qin's?" Having said that, Mother Nie got nervous all of a sudden. Looking at Nie AnAn, she asked, "Have you ever thought about maybe looking for your birth parents? If they are still around, maybe you can be with them."

Having heard that and seeing the look on Mother Nie, Nie AnAn suddenly had a thought. Had they figured something out? Or did they have actual proof in hand? The chair that she had sat on a couple of days ago had some nooks and crevices and she snagged a few strands of her hair on it.

Just when Nie AnAn was trying to figure out how to respond to Mother Nie, her attention was averted by the news coming from the television, "Just a moment ago, Mr. Qin Hai, the CEO of the Qin's, suddenly arranged for a news conference. Our reporter will take you to the scene right now..." Nie AnAn's attention was grabbed by the TV, even Mother Nie turned toward the TV after she heard that.

On the screen, Qin Hai sat on the center spot of the conference room with a few assistants by his side. In front of him sat the reporters from all media. "Hi, everyone, I called for this last-minute press conference to address some of the rumors that had been going on around the internet recently regarding the relationship between myself and CEO Huo of the Huo's..." Having said that, Qin Hai pulled out a brown envelope and announced concisely, "We've had some time to have our DNA testing at a respectable agency."

He paused when he got there and had his assistant adjusted the camera some. All of a sudden, the cover of the document appeared on the large screen next to them for all to see. Qin Hai slowly flipped open the document, "I have read the WeChat article myself, and although there were some exaggerations in there, the part about Huo YanXiao being my son was true." When he said that, he had already flipped to the last page of the document. In bolded text "Paternity was confirmed." was clearly written on the page.

Qin Hai's words made the entire conference room fall silent and even the sound of a needle dropping on the ground could be heard. The reporters quickly recollected themselves and started asking questions. "Mr. Qin, does that mean you will accept Huo YanXiao as a part of the Qin's family?" "Mr. Qin, we have heard that you've already had a will set up. Would you be creating a new one?" "Mr. Qin..." As the reporters kept on asking more questions, Nie AnAn, sitting in front of the TV, had already decided to just go along with whatever that was going to happen. Her big brother was about to become a part of the Qin's and, obviously, the Nie's had already discovered who she actually was. Then, the betrothal...

Next to her, Mother Nie said something else. Seeing that Nie AnAn was still staring intently at the television, Mother Nie couldn't help but sigh, hold her hand in hers, and said, "AnAn, we are truly worried about you. If your brother really moves back to the Qin's, you can't really move with him, considering the awkwardness between you and Young Master Qin." Having said that, she changed the subject suddenly, "That being said, don't you want to see if you can find your parents? Maybe there were reasons behind it all. Maybe they are looking for you too."

Nie AnAn's heart was pounded in her chest. She turned her head slowly. Looking at Mother Nie, she said to her, "Aunty, you are right. Truth be told, I would like to find my own birth parents as well." Mother Nie's eyes beamed, and she almost blurted out that she was Nie AnAn's birth mother. Mother Nie finally exercised great control and stopped herself. She dry coughed a little bit before she said, "AnAn, let me help you with that. We will help you find your birth parents! Oh, right. For the sake of convenience, why don't you leave us with a couple strands of your hair?"

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