Chapter Eight

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I scoff, ignoring his plea, and walk toward home. He catches up with me in less than two strides, grabs my hand, and turns me around to face him.

"Please. I know I've made a mess of everything, but I need to tell you what happened. I need to explain. Just give me one chance. That's all I'm asking."

My brain rummages for the worst words to spat at him. I am angry at how he behaved back there. I am sad that he assumes he can fool me again. I am frustrated that he dares to seek me out. I am confused at how he found me here in the first place. But, above all, I am tired. I don't want to deal with him or anyone else. And I certainly do not appreciate him coming and going as he wishes.

"What do you want from me?" I murmur, wiggling out of his hold. Before he can answer, I scoff, shaking my head. "Wasn't that enough for you to humiliate me in front of everyone? What? You can't do this to me. You stalking . . . manipulative . . . son of . . ." I can't bring myself to cuss at him because despite how hurt I am, I still do not have the heart hurt him back.

"I deserve that," he mutters under his breath.

"Shouldn't you be with your ex, or whatever you call her? That's why you were after me, right? Everything is just a game for you privileged people. And. I'm. Just. Sick. Of. It." I articulate each word forcefully. My voice cracks halfway through proving my point. I take a second to breathe in and shut my eyes firmly.

When I open my eyes again, Tyler is bowing his head in submission. His eyes are cast down, and his hands are shoved in his pockets.

His ocean blue eyes—which is beginning to become my new favorite color—are now dark. A frown crosses his face, but he doesn't say anything.

"Think of it, you were the first person I allowed myself to . . . open up to. I thought despite the gap between the two of us—from your lifestyle to taste, and our ideals—despite all that, I still believed in whatever this was going to be." I wave my hand between us.

Once upon a time, I had high hopes for love. I always dreamed of finding love like my parents did. But, slowly, I started to trust men less. Trusting everyone around me less, to be exact. Tyler's deception didn't help that. Now, that dream seems farther than ever, like everything else in this tormenting reality.

Tears start burning in the back of my eyes, but I hold them back. I am stronger than this. And here I thought going on one date wouldn't hurt. At least now I know where I stand.

I raise my head and look straight into his eyes. "What are you doing stalking me? I thought you wanted me out?"

"I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry. It wasn't what it looked—"

"You shoved a bunch of dollars at me and told me to leave," I point out, raising one eyebrow.

"You're right. You're right. I screwed up. But it wasn't my intention to shove you away like that. I didn't know how to deal with the situation. I freaked out. I tried calling you, but you had blocked my number."

"So, dumping me like garbage was the solution?" I clench my jaw.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He scowls before realizing he's lashing out, then shoves his hand into his hair out of frustration. "I freaked out. That was my ex you saw. She started talking nonsense, and I got scared that she would say something to you or scare you off. So, I asked you to leave. When you didn't, I freaked out." He sighs with a pained expression. His arms hang on his sides. "I only realized how wrong I was after you left. Obviously, I was wrong."

For a second, I start to soften. Just as soon, I straighten my back and stand tall.

"I don't care anymore." I stare at him pointedly. "You know, many people don't consider first dates to be of any meaning. But you... it really hurt. The first time, after the longest time, I thought, 'hey, not all men are bad'. I genuinely thought you were different. But, now, there is not one ounce of hope left."

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