Chapter Ten

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A visible tremor courses through my body. With knitted eyebrows and perplexed eyes, I dare a glimpse at Tyler, then a side glance at the man sitting next to him. Similarly dressed in a high-end suit, he silently watches the exchange between Tyler and me. The scattered documents on the table tell me they had an earnest business conversation before my arrival.

"So, this is your new job," Tyler states, pressing his lips into a thin line and clenching his jaw.

"Yeah," I whisper quietly. I take a deep breath, ready for what is to come next.

"Why here? You could have asked me for a job way better than this."

I try not to look offended, but I'm poor at masking my feelings. I know this place does not pay high or is not as exclusive as the hotel he works in, but I would much rather sweat here than work for the man who put me in this position, to begin with.

"I can find my own job. Even if KD Industries was the last employer left on Earth, I wouldn't take what they have to offer. I may be underqualified for a lot of jobs, but I haven't lost my ability to earn my wage honorably," I dictate, slightly hurt that he doesn't remember.

The man next to him hides his shocked reaction behind the papers held in front of his face. Instantly I regret my outburst. This made everything just worst. Tyler casts a sidelong glance at the man, hands clenched.

"What would you like for today?" I ask them, replacing my hurt expression with a fake smile for the sake of customer service.

Strangely, Tyler gives up his interrogative demeanor and sits, leaning back. His frustration hasn't subsided yet as his face still displays a conflict of emotions, but he calmly gives me his order and watches me walk away. Pinning the note on the kitchen order board, I sigh with relief. It could have gone a lot worse.

Why he acted the way that he did still confuses me. What is so wrong with me working in this café as a waitress? Surely, he's not as clueless since I just talked to him last night. I frown.

As I return to the floor, Bill rounds the corner, heading toward me. I gulp loudly, taking a step back. Noticing my withdrawal, he stops a few steps away from me, putting a reasonable distance between us, yet his oversized body blocks my view of the café. He reeks of foul cigar smoke and alcohol.

"I thought you were professional at your job. Your job is to serve and do it fast, not flirt with those businessmen," he scolds. "You think they give a fuck about you. I know what you're doing. Thinking of catching one of those rich men out there? Guess what? They don't care about you. So, do your job and don't waste time if you want to keep your job. Now go." He steps away and watches me with careful eyes.

I had anticipated this kind of interaction, but now I'm also scared because what he said is true and I hate it. I hate the fact that he noticed the way Tyler treated me. I rake a hand through my hair, gently tugging at the strands with a loud puff, frustrated by Bill's imposing demeanor and Tyler's perplexing conversation with me.

With Tyler's order in hand, I walk back to their table, trying to maintain a composed face.

"If you excuse me, Mr. Rodriguez," Tyler says the minute I put their orders. He stands up, grabs my hand, and drags me out through the cafe's front door.

"What are you doing? I have to work," I hiss.

Without answering me or stopping, he turns the corner and leads me to the empty alley next to the café. He releases my hand and then regards me.

Angrily, I take a few steps away from him, folding my arms over my chest and clenching my jaw. He frantically paces the distance between the two narrow walls.

The Unnoticed BillionaireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora