Chapter Fourteen

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I've never walked out of the locker room so fast. Head down, bag tucked under my arm, I literally race across the ballroom, toward the front door, to get to the curb where Tyler will be waiting.

With perfect timing, his car slows down and parks just before me. Like the gentleman he is, he can get out of his car to open the door for me.

"Hey, how was your day?" he asks me as I buckle up.

I look around, half-expecting the staff to be gawking at us. When I see no one, I release a breath of relief. It's not that I'm embarrassed to be seen with Tyler or afraid he will see my friends. I just dread my friends' reactions. More precisely, what they will think when Tyler is no longer in the picture. No doubt, they will overwhelm me with their sympathy. I want whatever this thing is that we have, for however long we can have it, to be between us. Our little romance. Just the two of us, no one else.

The parting is inevitable. One day, I will have to choose between him and Mom. One day, I will have to let go of this temporary happiness. It might not be today or tomorrow, but, when it comes, I have to be prepared. I let that sink in with melancholy.

"Elena?" Tyler speaks again. I almost forgot that he had asked me a question. Tyler looks at me briefly, taking his eyes off the road for short instants.

"Good," I reply curtly. "You?"

"I had a slow day." He gives me his heart-melting smile. "Are you feeling better since this morning?"

"I am. Thanks."

"I want to take you out for a bit of distraction. Also, I owe you a date. Are you in for some sightseeing before dinner? Are you alright with that?"

"Yeah, sure." I'm not sure when is the last time I explored the city. As a young child, sightseeing historical museums and monuments were a part of my education. But as I grew up, less and less time was spent on sightseeing. Unfortunately, life is too chaotic to be spent having fun.

"Good, then. After that, we will have our dinner."

"Where are we going now?" I look out of the window. Even at ten, only one-third of the shops have closed. The city is alive, perhaps even beginning its second shift—the party-goers' shift.

"Uh, that's a surprise," he replies with a smirk. I've never liked surprises. But Tyler giving them to me? I guess I'll have to reconsider my preferences.

The ride to Tyler's destination in mind goes smoothly as a melody plays in the car.

Suddenly, the sight of the elegant and tall Empire State building twinkles from three blocks ahead. I gasp at its presence. Tyler chuckles next to me. With astonishment, I look at Tyler with a joyful grin. Keeping his eyes on the road, Tyler smirks, pleased.

He uses one of the underground parking entrances a block away to avoid the front door traffic. Once parked in one of the empty spots, I jump out of the car and meet him midway, too excited to wait for Tyler to open my door. He shakes his head, amused, but offers his hand to me. I clasp my hand in his.

I can't contain myself as I look up at Tyler through my lashes. He looks down with a hint of contained excitement in his eyes. His grin indicates his pride in catching me off guard with his choice of location. After the visit to the club, I had to lower my expectations for this date's location, so of course this is a surprise.

While waiting for the elevator, I look at our image reflecting on the smooth steel doors. Tyler is almost one foot taller than me and much more prominent in size due to his muscular arms and broad chest. I am comparably slimmer and smaller. My terrible diet, or lack of one, can be blamed for that. I lost several pounds after we lost everything, but it got much worse after Dad's death. I went days without eating after his funeral.

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