Chapter 1

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I can't believe my day today, so today is my day off, and instead of relaxing and having a spa day after working all damn week. I'm on a plane, first class seating on the way to Las Vegas. And why  am I going to Las Vegas you ask me, because some stupid dumbass screwed up something in Italy, and Marco took most of his higher ups, which is stupid if you ask me. So I have to go re-finalize this damn deal with one of Marco's newest associate. But my gut is telling me that something bad is about to happen. And living in this lifestyle and in this world, since I was thirteen, I knew to trust and listen to my gut.

    "Alright passengers we're now descending into McCarran International Airport, please turn everything into the upright position, turn electronics off, and buckle up." The pilot said.

    Finally I can get off this plane, check into my hotel and get through this business deal and relax, maybe even go to the spa here in Vegas. I step of the terminal and see my driver waiting for me, I grab the only bag I carried with me which is full of the necessaries items, you know clothes toothbrush and paste, and my guns of course. Don't even ask me how I was allowed to bring them on the plane, I might just have to kill you. I'm glad my stepfather took care of my driver, my hotel, and where the meeting takes place. It's too bad that I got this uneasy feeling about this meeting while I was on the plane, if I had told my stepfather about this feeling he either wouldn't have let me go or send some bodyguards with me.

    The drive to my hotel, The Venetian, from the airport took about eleven to thirteen minutes according to maps on my phone. I had just enough minutes to go over, review and remember what Marco told me. I'm meeting Ashton Black, one of Marco's newest associate that I have yet to meet. Ashton owns a few small businesses ranging from coffee shops to to nightclubs. Marco has been using Ashton's business to counting money, illegal gambling casinos, to giving his merchandise a once over to make sure it's in good shape. Ashton gets ten percent of the money for letting Marco use his business. But lately our men have been tailing Ashton, and spotting Luca Baccari and his men talking to Ashton and his workers. So I will be meeting Ashton in a neutral place, the Vice Versa Bar.

When I pulled myself out of my thoughts, I noticed we had arrived at The Venetian. This was one of my favorite hotel to stay at when I'm in Vegas, and my step dad knew that. I guess he was making up for the fact that I'm working on my day off and had to cancel the spa appointment my mom had set up for me. The Venetian hotel is like heaven on earth for me, it reminds me so much of Italy. I just don't know how to describe it. It has architectural replicas of landmarks in  Venice. The Palazzo Ducale, Piazza San Marco, the Lion of Venice, St Mark's Campanile, and my favorite the Rialto Bridge.

"Enjoy your stay Miss Benson." my driver said to me.

"Thank you, I'll try. I'll have the hotel call you when it's time to leave for the meeting." I stated.

"Yes ma'am." the driver said, and drove the car away.

After I checked into my room, I picked up my cell phone and called my mom. It went to her voicemail, so I left a message; "Hey mom, I just wanted to let you and Alanzo know that I arrived to the hotel safely and that I should be arriving home sometime tomorrow hopefully, and please tell Marco that when he gets home, he owes me big time."

I looked around the room, and saw it was what I expected from this hotel. I was placed in the Rialto Suite, the suite has Italian marble, queen sized bed with Egyptian cotton sheets. A forty-six inch flat screen in the living room, that has a dining table and a fully stocked refreshment center,and the living room is sunken. Now the bathroom is one hundred and thirty square feet, it's got a Roman tub with a separate enclosed shower. I looked at my watch and saw I had thirty minutes till the meeting.

"Hi this is Ariabelle Benson in the Rialto Suite, would you please call my driver and have him at the front entrance in about fifteen minutes? Thank you so much." I told the concierge.

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