Chapter 22 Blade

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It's been two days since Ariabelle has been brought to the hospital and she still hasn't woken up. It would be worrying if the doctor hadn't told Grim that the medicine was working, her dehydration is gone as is the hypothermia, the sedates have been flushed from her system. Now it's all up to Ariabelle to wake up, I know that she's had a couple of bad days but hopefully that doesn't stop her from waking up. I need my little girl back. I hold onto her hand not wanting to let go. Grim doesn't leave the room unless Killer and Gabriel force him to like they did today. The only reason he left was because I said I wouldn't leave her side and that's true.

Ever since that night at Estella's Marco has been staying at the clubhouse while going to fix Ariabelle and Grim's house, I helped him out while I wasn't at the hospital. Grim still hasn't been back there and some part of me doesn't blame him, he doesn't want to be there without Ariabelle. The club members are also there, removing the carpet, patching up holes, removing the broken and messed up furniture. They are basically redoing the entire living room for Ariabelle, also they are putting up pictures they found when Ariabelle was a kid. Ranger Nat's dad had a lot of pictures of Ariabelle.

My mother and father has found a lot of pictures of Ariabelle and Gabriel, Ariabelle and me, different pictures of Ariabelle with different club members and different family members and lastly pictures of Ariabelle and Estella. I don't know how she would feel about that, they still haven't visited her neither has any family members from her mother's side nor has any of Alanzo's family visited her. That just pissed me off badly. Aria was their family member for eleven years and just because she married Grim they've completely ignored her. I don't even know how pissed off Marco and Gabriel must be. Everyone has stepped up and helped redo the living room even the club whores but I have no idea what they do.

Killer told me yesterday that it was Aria that threw those knives at the club whores. I couldn't tell you how proud of her I was, fighting and making your territory known is always good for the old ladies. Though Aria would probably thrown a knife at me if she heard I called her an old lady. She's the mischievous biker princess, she's done so much for the club already that we didn't know about. Shooting those suits that came after the club while she was still reeling from being hurt herself. She didn't have to put herself on the line that day but she did. She's still my little girl even if she doesn't know I care.

My hand was still gripping hers and my head was down but snapped up when I felt my hand being squeezed. I locked eyes with her closed ones and just kept my breath waiting. I didn't want to get up and get the doctor until I knew my daughter's eyes were fully open, at that same time a nurse came in and saw what was going on. I didn't hear what she said but knew she left the room, probably to go get the doctor. The doctor came and did some minor muscle test to see how she responded.

"Her vitals are good and she's responding well. She's probably be waking up pretty soon. Mr.Benson I've kept the cops away for as long as I could and as soon as she wakes up they're going to want to talk to her." Aria's doctor told me.

"And my family and I thank you for that but this club business. And if she does remember I doubt she'll tell the cops anything."

"And I understand that. I was just giving up a heads up." Her doctor said before he left the room.

Wake up Ariabelle I need you, Mathis needs you, your brother's need you. Hell we all need you. I remember her birthday so much it hurts. That day has been all I've thought about. I left my little girl, I should've fought harder. Aria thought the club colors were red, we never told her that we didn't have club colors. She loved the color red and we just let her think that that was the color. We didn't care as long as she smiled. We all loved her smile, it lit up our world. I think Aria has even some of the club whores love her. She just did that to people who know her or not. She was a sweet girl when she was growing up, now she is sometimes a bitch. But only to me and I can take that because I deserve it.

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