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It's been a month and a half since Ajax's death and I could be happier. I finally convinced Mathis that we needed a wedding and what got him was me saying, 'I don't want to tell our child about how we got married in Vegas while you were drunk and I was drugged.' He didn't get over his shock for about ten minutes and that only happened when the doorbell rang. And when the doorbell rang Mathis got off the bed and pushed me behind him. I rolled my eyes but stayed where I was. He headed downstairs with gun in hand and opened the door. At the door was my dad. Brothers, and grandparents. The only thing that was missing at the moment was my mother.

Since Mathis finding out that day he's been super protective. Marco has placed me on desk work for the time being. So instead of dealing with clients and new members of the mafia I'm now like Marco personal assistant and I haven't been back to my mother's house or the mafia house. Marco is going back and forth from the mafia house, mine and Mathis' house and the clubhouse. Marco isn't letting anything happen to me now that I'm about two months pregnant and neither is the club. When the found out I was pregnant Ranger and Nat practically moved into mine and Mathis' house. Much to my dismay but Mathis loved the idea.

Blade has worked hard to be a better father to Gabriel and I. And I'm happy to have him back in my life, we're moving on from what happened when I first came home. Blade is spoiling not only me but my baby as well. Most people believe it's the grandmother who spoils the baby but Blade is spoiling the baby rotten before the baby is even born. Sometimes I groan when I think how much Blade will spoil the baby more when once it's here. But right now I don't mind it one bit, Blade spoiling me is making me think back to the happier times with him before he left. And I have hope we'll get back that relationship soon.

I still haven't talked to my mother and neither has Gabe. Until she disowned me, I never believed my mother could be this selfish. If I had it my way my mother would never be in this child's life even if my mother wants to make up for what she's done. I could never forgive her, she says how horrible Blade is but in reality she just wanted us to hate him so we didn't go looking for him. Which is what we did, but now Gabe and I have realized how wrong our mother is. And how much she is a hateful person. I mean she lead us to believe she and Blade was married.

Marco has said that he will pay for our wedding but the only condition he has is that the wedding takes place after he takes down Luca and gets the FBI off of the family. And that I can understand. Even though my mother disowned me I'm still Marco's sister and he will have to invite our allies to the wedding. It's a big deal in the mafia world. Marco has told us that Estella will be there with Alanzo too. That will be the only time I see my mother. I was thinking of asking Alanzo to walk me down the aisle but now I'm thinking of asking Blade.

Killer is probably more overprotective than Mathis is. Whenever Mathis is out on a run he's either making me stay at the clubhouse or has someone at the house with me until Mathis returns. Neither him nor the club want anything to happen to me again or the baby. Killer has helped set up the baby's room and painted it a mixture of red, black, and white. I still shake my head when I think of how the club let me believe the club colors were red just so I would be happy. Killer is setting up some pictures the old ladies took of Mathis and I when the club threw a party to congratulate us on the pregnancy. Our house is now full of pictures from my childhood to Mathis with the club, to us planning the wedding.   

We've already started to picking some stuff out but haven't bought anything yet. Until Luca Baccari is taken care of, they aren't taking the chance that Luca may kidnap me again. Mathis has stepped up the alarm system at the house, fingerprint id, retinal scan. Motion detectors all around the house and yard, how they don't go off when an animal or one of the guys walk by I don't know it's a mystery that Mathis and Marco won't tell me. Mathis and Marco have even stepped up security in the baby's room, if the window opens from the outside or if the glass breaks from the outside an alarm will set off, there are also camera hidden around the room and more motion detectors.

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