Chapter 4

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I never expected to see my father, today of all days. Why must this happen to me? Must be karma for all the things I did in the mafia. He still looked the same as he did eleven years ago, same chocolate brown hair like me but his hair had some grey spots in it, same brown eyes like me. He had a little fat on him than he did when I was a child, but what can you expect after eleven years. He still looked six foot one, still had a strong bone facial features. It was hard to even look at him without giving myself away, I didn't want him to know who I was. I could see him in the corner of my eye walking over to Killer and them talking, what about I had no idea, maybe about me. Benson was his last name, I don't know why I didn't change it like Gabe did, maybe make him feel the pain of seeing his little girl all grown up.

Mathis's grip on my waist is what brought me away from my father and Killer, maybe that was a good thing, but I'm still not going to be the obedient little wife. Mathis and I walked over the entrance of the compound, when you walked in it was very typical of what you were to find in a biker bar, pool tables, a long ass bar, and a stripper pole? Now that one was surprising, but maybe some of the club whores use that when they fail in getting certain bikers. I shook Mathis's arm off and walked over to the bar, I didn't bother asking if the biker behind the bar could get me a beer. I slowly turned around and popped off the lid and watched what one of the club whores going near Mathis would do.

Just because I don't like the idea of being married to anyone who knows my father, doesn't mean I'm going to share. I'm so very possessive of things that are mine, take Mathis for instant, he's mine, so no club whore is going to get her std infected hands on him. The whore looked around and saw that I was no where around, she gain some confidence and walked over to Mathis and actually had the nerve to touch him. That was the last straw, when I turned my head I saw the little entourage that were at the hotel with Killer, now at the bar looking back and forth between the whore and me, I shoot them a smile before grabbing a knife and throwing it.

She didn't even see it coming, and she didn't move her hand fast enough. The knife landed in the middle of her hand on the backside. She started crying and screaming giving me a headache, so I threw another knife that stopped at her feet. Don't know why I did that, it only made her scream louder, bringing in the rest of the members that were outside inside. The little bitch. I went back to my beer and acted like I didn't do a damn thing, looking over at the entourage I saw they had their jaws opened in shocked and were speechless. I placed my finger over my lips to signal to be quiet and not say a word, they nodded their heads, still speechless.

Just like that Killer and dad came running into the building guns blazing, cliche lines, I know but seriously they had their guns loaded and pointed at who was screaming. When Killer saw the whores surrounding the one I hit, he went over and inspected what happened and how did the knife was in. I wasn't stupid I didn't throw the knife to go very deep in her skin, just deep enough to know what would happen if she went near Mathis. Like I said, I don't share. On the inside I was laughing but on the outside I was calm, couldn't let them know I did that. She just kept screaming until dad shot off one of his bullets,that shut her up. He looked at everybody at the club, but when his eyes came to me, he stopped before going over to help Killer. I think I've been busted by daddy dearest.

"Who did this?" Killer yelled out.

His voice was bouncing and echoing off the walls, that's how quiet the room was. I looked over at the entourage to make sure they stay quiet before I looked backed to Killer. I'm already heating things up, mom would be so proud of me. I'm sure she wouldn't have any objections for me giving them hell. I felt eyes on me, when I turned I saw the little posses of whores glaring at me. Killer saw this and walked over to me, with a murderous look, the posse was smiling and smirking at me. I'll give them something that will drop their smiles.

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