Chapter 1

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Picture of, Jayden, above

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Picture of, Jayden, above


I jumped out of bed, only to land on the floor with a thud.

Looking around in confusion, I remember that  I'm back in my own personal hell. Running towards the clothes laying on the floor, I pick out a pair of dark jeans and a tight white t-shirt. I quickly use the restroom downstairs from my room, which is in the attic.

Making my way downstairs, I check the time to see that I am already 30 minutes late, and start to make the whole pack breakfast. Do you know how hard it is to feed about 350 people food, in just 30 minutes? Really hard!

I have to make the pack sluts their own separate breakfast because to them, eggs are too fattening. By the time I finish I have fruit salad,eggs, pancakes, and biscuits on the table.
While everyone piles into the  dining room, I receive slaps, punches, and kicks from everyone in the pack, including my parents.

Most werewolves shift when they reach the age of twelve, but I hadn't. That was the year that everything changed for me. When I hadn't shifted everyone assumed that I am some disgrace to the pack. My parents turned their backs on me and helped everyone abuse me.

One time when I had just turned fifteen, a couple of the pack member cornered me in the kitchen. The Beta, Jason, had started to take of his belt while a couple of male pack members held me down on the kitchen counters.


"Please,no" I yelled.

I watched as Jason took off his belt. He ordered a couple of Pack warriors to hold me down. They grabbed me by my arms, and forced me on the kitchen counter, my face pushed up against it. I tried to struggle against their hold, but they just tightened it. I knew that I would have bruises from their grip.

I looked around the room and saw that my father was in the corner of the kitchen, a hard look in his dark eyes. "Please, help me!" I begged him but he just stared at me, disgust on his face.  When I realized that he was just here to enjoy the show, I looked around me. I immediately wished that I hadn't.

Most of the Pack's mateless men, were in the kitchen stripping off their clothes, a hungry look in their eyes. Jason grabbed my hair, pulling my head up, my back arched. Looking through the tears in my eyes, I looked at my 'Father' with such hatred, that he momentarily stopped striping. Yep, my own father was planning on raping me.

I began to cry as Jason spoke,"Look around you, you little fag. We are all going to use you like the whore you are." My body was shaking with the force of the sobs, the pained noises exiting me. These assholes were planning on taking something, that belonged to my mate. My mate would probably reject me if he knew that I wasn't tainted.

When all the men were naked, I gathered  all my courage and spoke. "You call me a fag and whore, yet you are the ones that are fucking a boy. The moon goddess is looking down at you all, and you will all suffer for the choices you made." I spat at these monsters, who dare call themselves people.

Jason spoke into the ear the was next to his mouth."The moon goddess would not care about some pathetic excuse of a werewolf, like yourself." After he spoke one of men standing around came up and slapped me , my head snapped to the side from the force of it. 

The men started to surround me, ripping and tearing  my clothes apart, until I was naked. By then I had tear streaks on my face, bruises and claw marks on my body. Just when Jason was about to force himself into my weak body, my savior had walked in. Luna Nichole had walked into that horrendous sight.

When she saw what was happening, her wolf had taken over. Most of the men that had planned to hurt me, had ended up in the Pack's infirmary, including Jason and my father.

~~End Flashback~~

When I snapped out of it, I realized that everyone had already eaten and left. I started to clean the mess they had made, putting the few leftovers in the refrigerator. I grabbed my cleaning supplies from the basement, and started to clean the packhouse. When I reached the main entrance, the teenagers were getting into their cars and heading for school. My pack doesn't let me go to school anymore, ever since they found out I couldn't shift.

I spent most of my day either cleaning or feeding the pack. While most werewolves my age were going to school and gossiping with friends, I was stuck in the pack house taking care of everyone. I had raised most of the pups, as their parents didn't even care about them, only caring what their child's rank would be in the pack, when they grow up.

The sad thing is, that when they come of age, they will treat me like the scum on earth when they find out I can't shift. It didn't matter that I had raised them more than the pack ever did. The only thing that brought me joy, was the thought that if anything ever happened to me, they would be lost, and would probably burn down the house just cooking.

The only reason that they had not killed me already, was because they knew that it was true. Without me they would not know what to do. The only thing that really motivated me to keep goin, and not end my life, was the thought of my mate. My mate, whoever it is, is the only thing that kept me from ending this life, and meeting the moon goddess.

The thought of my mate is what brought me life.


Please tell me what you thought so far of my story!

1019 words

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