Chapter 14

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It's been almost two days since my talk with Sky , and I was about ready to kill someone. Celia and the twins were constantly babying me, n of allowing me to get out of bed at all, but I had put my foot down when they asked a nurse to shove a tube down my penis is so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. For goodness sake, the bathroom was only about 5 steps away!

No one gave any indication that they had heard Sky and I talking, but since then I was starting to see things I hadn't before. How much the twins depended on each other, as if they were a part of each other. Ace kept to himself most of the time, but I noticed now his eyes were never far from Hope or Faith, and he sometimes talked to Sky. Levi had come to visit me for a couple minutes everyday, but he other wise kept his distance, not only from me, but everyone else too. No matter how many times I asked him to stay for a little longer, he always claimed he had somewhere else he had to be.

Celia seemed to know where he was going everyday, she was constantly looking at Lion in despair, pain, and hurt. Every time I asked her where he was going, she would just shake her head before leaving the room. Someone would quickly move to distract me after wards, as if they were afraid I would ask questions and I was tempted to. I still had so many questions about Margaret and the Hybrids, however no one seemed up to answering them.

The only good news I had heard recently was from my doctor and that was when she announced me healthy and said I could leave the next day. This hospital room had so many bad memories in it, and I was ready to breath in some fresh air, the chemicals in the hospital very over bearing. Celia had tried to convince the doctor that I should stay longer, but after I had given her a deadly glare, she had thankfully shut up.

I was currently sitting up in my hospital bed, eating green jello and watching the drama unfold before my eyes. "It wasn't our fault! Levi should have been paying more attention to Jayden instead of taking that bitches side. " Faith spat vehemently. Ace had just found out that it was the twins idea to go to the club, and lets just Say that he was less than happy with that discovery. He was currently arguing with the twins, and with the way Sky was eyeing the door, he was ready to bolt before the fangs came out. "That doesn't me an you purposefully cause problems. You should have left it alone and let them deal with their own problems." He yelled, a vein in for head throbbing as his face turned red from his anger. "Jayden wouldn't have to be in the hospital if you both would have left it alone. But no, he almost died because of your own immaturity."

When I saw the tears in not only Faith's, but also Hope's eyes, I quickly spoke op. "Shut the hell up before you say more things you'll regret, Ace. Levi was being a complete asshole and they were trying to cheer me up. I wouldn't have even been injured if I wouldn't have gotten between Levi and Lonan." Ace let out a sigh before running a hand down his face, his weariness clearly seen in his expression. "I know little man, I'm just upset that this whole situation could have been easily avoided. I'm sorry for being so hard on you guys, I was just so worried. There was so much blood that night." There was pain in his eyes as he relived that dreaded night.

Faith and Hope latched on to him, both attacking his lips and neck as they dragged him out of the room. Sky and Celia looked at each other with lust in their eyes, probably seconds away from following Ace and the twins to some dark corner or a janitor closet. They proved me right when they rushed out of the room to have some sexy time,, closing the door behind them. I was left alone with only my jello and some news channels on the t. keep me occupied.

Laying back against a couple of pillows, I let my mind drift off as the monotone voice blared from the t. v., giving the latest traffic updates. the distance that Levi had started to place between us seemed to widen with each passing day, taunting me as I thought back on the small amount of happy memories we were able to create before shit had hit the fan. Even though we had only known each other for a couple weeks, I could already admit that I was head over heels for my Vampire. With the way he was acting lately, I had no idea how he felt about me. He was hot and cold ever since I woke up, he always avoided eye contact with me, looking passed me, and mumbled his excuse before leaving.

Every time he left, I felt another part of me break, and I had to constantly hold back my tears. He hadn't visited me today and it was already midnight. With the way things are going I don't think we are going to last. I had been thinking about my future wondering if it would involve Levi and the Crew, and I had made a couple decisions. I know that I don't want to depend on Levi, especially now that I had doubts about us. I want to go to college and get degree in something that I love, then get my dream job, whatever it may be. I want to grow old with Levi even if he did it age, adopt and raise our kids, and live a domestic life.

I even talked to Celia about getting my GED.because even if I can't go to college anytime soon, I wanted to be able to say that I finished high school. Celia was very supportive of my plan, helping me research how to get my GED, and she encouraged me to talk to Levi about my idea. I had gathered my courage the past couple days and I had planned to tell Levi today, but he had it even show up.

Hearing the handle of the door turn, my eyes shot to the door in surprise I hadn't expected them to finish that quickly, they must have had lot of pent up sexual tension if they finished that soon. "You guys are done already I guess Ace and Sky are fast shooters. "I teased, a grin on my face that faded when I realized that it wasn't who I thought it was. "I didn't think you were coming to day" I told Levi, my surprise clear to see. He had his back to me as he closed the door behind him and locked it the click a loud noise as he remained silent.

The only sound in the room was my heavy breathing and pounding heart as I stared at Levi's back. His hands clenched into tight fists by his side, I could almost see as he changed before my eyes, going from calm to agitated and tense. I blinked and in the next second he was on top of me, his hands pressed against the sides of my head as his face hayed against my neck. "Um, what are you doing?" I whispered, my heart speeding up even faster. His reply was a low grown before he scrapped his bared fangs against my pulse. "W-what are you doing? "I stuttered, my hands moving to his chest to try to push him off. Levi's response was to grind himself against me, causing me to moan and harden beneath him." Levi, you need to stop!" I exclaimed, pushing on his chest with all my might. Levi lifted his head from my neck and looked in my eyes.

Tormented brown eyes stared back at me, his breathes fast and shallow. I lifted my head a couple of inches to close the distance between us, gently kissing Levi before lying back down. Levi set his head down on my chest, a sigh escaping him as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I hope you'll tell me what's bothering you soon." I murmured, knowing that he heard me even though he didn't respond.


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