Chapter 19

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From left to right: Alice, Charles, Minnie, and James


The twins ran into the attached kitchen, leaving Ace and me in the living room. Ace just shook his head when I looked at him with a bewildered expression on my face, shrugging his shoulders and smiling. I pressed myself against the couch, feeling nervous with how excited Faith and Hope had been with the news of Levi's trip. After the fiasco with the fight at 'The Underworld', I was hesitant with the party that they were so delighted to have, and the whispering I could hear coming from the kitchen just set my nerves on edge.

"Maybe we should just finish the movie." I called out, worry overcoming me with everything that could go wrong running through my mind. The fact that Ace seemed so calm also freaked me out, how many times had he dealt with this? Faith ran past us towards another door, her straight hair now pulled in a ponytail as she rushed into the room. Hope walked out of the kitchen with some snacks and I calmed down, getting comfy to continue the movie as Hope dimmed the lights. That quickly changed when Faith skipped out of what I assumed was the bedroom with small portal speakers in hand and a wide smile on her face. While she connected them to her phone, Hope grabbed my hands and pulled me up, easily lifting me and causing a small squeak to leave me.

Music started to blast through the speakers, filling the room. Ace got of the couch and pulled Faith to him while Hope began to dance against me. Grinding on me, she used me as if I was a pole, rubbing against me before turning her back to me and dropping down before rising again, making her ass press on my thigh. My wide eyes shot to Ace but he only grinned at me and winked as Faith did the same thing to him, his held tilting back as his hands gripped her hips.

Focusing on Hope again, I looked up to see that she was pouting even as she danced. Sighing, I began to move my hips reluctantly, but soon got into it. We were back to back now, shaking our hips as the music continued, song after song. Faith and Ace joined us, all of us dancing and having a good time. Laughing and enjoying ourselves. I let go of all the stress, of finding my Vampire mate and becoming a Hybrid. I could just be me, mot have to hide the fact that I had changed, that I was not what they all thought I was. I raised my arms and twisted my waist, shaking what I was given.

Hours passed, with little breaks full of small talk and laughter, the day flying by as we just enjoyed ourselves, finishing the movie and dancing when the mood hit.  Ace was currently  pressing his front to Hope's back , wrapping his arms around her as Faith moved towards me, switching dance partners. We mouthed the words together as we moved, blocking out everything except the music. The dark room just added to the atmosphere, the air thick and heavy. Little did we know the danger that was lurking, the threat that was watching us.

The sound of glass breaking startled us all, our gazes flying to the now broken windows that sat in between the kitchen and bedroom. The wall of windows  let the cold air into the apartment, only adding to my fear. Four silhouettes sat crouched from where they had jumped through the closed windows, the moonlight highlighting their pale, almost translucent skin and white hair. One raised his head, his smile large as his eyes, a light pastel green,  focused on me before they moved. It was as if they were synchronized, moving as one as they spread around the room, efficiently blocking us in.

Ace's shock seemed to turn to fear and anger, his body running on instinct as he moved to try to cover the twins from the strangers. The fear in Ace's eyes worried me, what could cause a Vampire that emotion? I didn't want to find out anytime soon. I widened my stance, ready to fight for my life and to protect those who had accepted me for who I am, I wasn't going down easy. They moved fast, only flashes of white as they ran could be seen, other wise they were invisible. The odds of us living through this was slim, but I knew that we would take down at least one of them.

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