1. One Night Stands

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"Ugh" I sighed looking at the time. 9 a.m., wayyy too early.

"What's wrong with you this morning?" Paige asked. Sitting up.

I almost jumped out of bed. I forgot she might still be there.  I sat up to face her.

"The time." I muttered grumpily.

"Well then go back to sleep lazy ass."

"I will as soon as you leave." The venom in my voice was clear.

"Wait, what?" She asked, confusion all over that pretty tan face of hers.

"I said leave. Get all your shit, and get out."

"I was joking about the lazy ass thing Ronnie. Sheesh, calm the fuck down."

"I don't care if it was a joke or not. We talked about this at the club last night. It was a one night stand, not an 'I Love You'. So like I said before, get the fuck out of my bed, grab your slutty clothes, and leave my house. Unless you want to be forced out?" I said clearly pissed off now.

"Fine." She mumbled a few obscene words under her breath as she got out of bed and grabbed her clothes. "But don't expect to ever get to lay me again Ronald Joseph Radke!"

I just smiled at her stupidity as she walked out the room. I knew she had left when the front door closed with a slam and I heard a picture frame shatter to the floor.

I laid back on my bed triumphantly. I, Ronnie Radke, had laid Paige Duke last night, then continued to throw her out the next morning. Yeah, she's married, who cares? I felt accomplished as I rolled over and fell back asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!' I screamed at my buzzing phone. I tried to drown out the sound by shoving my head under the pillow, but to no avail. I rolled over and grabbed it. I squinted at the screen trying to get my tired eyes to work. Fuck, it was my alarm. 1 o'clock already? I asked myself as I attempted to stand. My vision went blury and I fell back onto the bed from dizziness. I stood up for a second attempt, this time a success. I dragged my feet over to the connected bathroom tripping over a discarded thong.

"Oh great," I mumbled with a smirk on my face, "at least I know she's commando right now." I snickered to myself.

 I hopped into the shower and nearly fainted fromhow good the water felt on my skin. It relaxed my muscles and took me to a place, far away from this shithole they call life. I spent a good 40 minutes in there. I finally got out and wrapped a towel around myself, and slouched over to the mirror wiping away the condensation on it. I frowned at my reflection. My perfectly messy hair now a disgusting mess, my guyliner was smugded all over my cheeks and my eyes now looked dead. I rinsed my face and reapplied my liner. Took a comb to my head and then attacked my teeth with Colgate. I gave my self one more look-over before exiting, I resembled quite a sexy beast if I do say so myself. I then noticed the awkwardness of the situation when I looked down and saw my towel was now on the floor. "eh, who cares, I'm alone." i thought to myself. I walked out of the bathroom leaving the towel behind only to discover I was truly NOT alone.

"WOAH! Dude, that's gross, put on some clothes." Max yelled. Yes, max. As in Maxwell Scott Green. Him and I were buds again, well  me and everyone were buds again. Which would explain why everyone was there, Max, Craig, Monte, and even Robert.

"DUDE. What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I asked clearly trying to change the subject away from my er, uhm, 'package'.

"We came to tell you that we finally found a house for everyone." Craig spoke up, clearly still in shock. Then he said "But it looks like we might not want you living with us, seeing as you are a nudist." He said smiling. Everyone busted out laughing.

"Oh,shut up. And that's cool, where is it at?" I asked forgeting completely about my 'package'.

"We'll tell you after you retrieve something to cover that thing." Robert said holding back a chuckle and pointing.

"Oops, well Monte, do you have anything to say about the situation? Everyone else commented." I said, poking fun at his silence.

Monte smiled as if waiting for his oppurtunity, he simply said "Mine's bigger."

That was the final blow to the awkwardness everyone laughed as hard as they could, I turned bright red and ran back to grab my towel. Bad desicion considering the bathroom floor was wet. I slipped and hit my head on the toilet. If I thought they were laughing before they certainly were 10 times worse now. Max fell off the chair he was in, Robert was laughing so hard no sound came out, Monte was snorting, and Craig had tears in his eyes.

"FUCK!" I screamed at the pain. I grabbed my towel and covered myself. I came back out and glared at them. This didn't stop the laughter in the least. So i decided to drop the 'Paige' bomb. I said "Yah, laugh it up now. But when I tell you who I had in this apartment last night you'll be worshiping me."

That shut everyone up.

"Who?" they said in unison. I almost laughed at that.

"Paige Duke." I said putting my hands on my hips and posing like a super hero. I held the pose until i felt my towel slipping off again, I grabbed it quickly to avoid THAT embarrassment again.

"Nice one bro." Max said he went for a highfive the recalled me covering my junk with my hands and snatched his hand away.

"I'd bro-hug you, but it'd be awkward after what just happened" Robert said.

Monte said "Really? She'd of been more content with me, considering our size differences."

Craig just did a thumbs up since he was laughing to hard to speak.

I walked over to my bedroom door and opened it, telling them all to leave so I could get dressed. Once the room was empty I locked my door to avoid any more 'sneak peeks'. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some dark skinnies, a gray Misfits tee, and a black jacket with some chains hanging on it. After getting dressed I walked downstairs to find the guys watching TV and just being stupid. I grabbed some solid black vans that were sitting by the front door and slipped them on. I took a look at myself in the full length mirror I put next to the door for last minute 'how do I look' purposes. And again, I was a sexy beast. I  yelled to the guys I was ready and one by one we left the house and climbed into Craig's crammed car.

"Dude, where's the Mustang? We could be riding around in style and instead we're in this piece of shit?

Craig smiled and look at me in the rear-view mirror and said "No way in hell would I trust all of you guys in my Mustang at once." He had a point there, we were known to be pretty rambuncious. Okay, we were straight up idiots who were loud, drunk, and destructive most of the time.

"So where are we going??" I asked Max who was supposed to be sitting next to me but was practically in my lap.

"To check out the house. We've already hired guys to start packing all our shiz and move it there. We were waiting 'til you saw it to start moving your stuff." he replied.

"That's cool. i get first pick on the room though." I said loud enough to be heard over the stereo, that was blasting 10 Miles wide.

"Deal." everyone said in unison, I held back another chuckle. What's with these guys? They can like read each other's minds or something.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Oh yeah, sorry. Before we go to the house we have to pick up my bratty sister carter." Max said

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"Because she'll be living with us."

Great. A bratty little girl in the house. Just what I need. I thought angrily to myself.

Not Good Enough (Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now