35. Woah O_o

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Zizzy's POV: 

All I can say is wow. Out of the blue, I get a call from my friend I haven't heard from in over a year. She practically saved my life! I've been living with my dumb 'friend' and her trash boyfriend for more than a year now. 

I hate them. 

All Ally ever does is yap my little ear off. 'Turn that shit down. Don't you ever listen to non-emo music? If you play that guitar one more time I'll break it in half. Stop looking at my boyfriend that way. Don't talk to me like that! Stop eating all our food fatty.' And the list goes on and on. It's like living with parents. At first I thought it'd go well. Ally was pretty cool at first. Then she met her dumbass boyfriend; Jeremy. Vomit. He's a low-life piece of trash who treats Ally like shit, eats all her food, cheats on her, steals money from her, trashes the apartment, and is never sober long enough to feel the effects of a hangover. Not to mention he's constantly hitting on me then telling Ally it's the other way around. I can't wait to get out of this place. 

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Queen Zizzy finally decided to return!" Ally said in her obnoxious high pitched voice that's just seemed to get more and more annoying as time passes. 

"Yup. I'm back. And I'm going to my room." I said trying to step around her. 

"No, no hun. Not until you fork over this months rent." she said holding her outstretched hand to me. 

"I don't have all of it right now. I've got to make one other drop before I can get the rest to you." I told her handing her a hundred. 

"Well go now. I need the money. Jeremy is gonna be home soon and if I don't have it he won't be able to get his blow. And you know what it's like dealing with his bitching. So, shoo. Money. Now." she said pushing me out the door. 

"Bye." I said as she slammed the door on me. I sighed and pulled out my phone and dialed a familiar number walking down the dull hallway of my apartment building. A shiver of hatred ran up my spine as I heard his voice poor through. 

"Hey." is all I managed to say in my disgust. 

"Hello. What's up?" he asked. He being Quentin; one of my mom's ex's. 

"Need to make a drop, but I'm all out. Meet me at my place." I said before ending the call, not wanting to hear him again. I hate him. It's a long story but he ruined my mom's life. Which ultimately ruined mine. And also the main reason why I ended up selling drugs. Hey, atleast I'm not on them right? I know, weak defense. But that's all I've got. 

"Hey you. Here's the stuff." Quentin said as he handed me a large brown paper bag the moment I walked into the parking garage across the street from my building. 

"Thanks." I said meekly before stuffing it in my messenger bag and turning away from him. I walked down the crowded downtown streets L.A. with a purpose. Once I reached my regular bar I rounded the corner and made it to the alleyway behind it. I leaned up against the brick wall of the bar waiting for my regulars. As the time passed I pulled a cigarrette out of my bag and lit it, letting it hang from my lips carelessly. 

"Azizia." a hoarse and desperate sounding voice rang through the quiet alley around me, jarring me violently from my thoughts. 

"Hey, girl. Whatcha need?" I asked pulling let death stick from my mouth and letting out a large puff of smoke before throwing it to the ground and stomping it out. 

"How 'b-bout some vikes?" she asked scratching the back of her neck harshly, almost drawing blood. 

"Okay, stop scratching your neck babe. It's gonna start bleeding." I said as I reached out and pulled her bruised and bloody hand away from her neck, allowing her madded blonde hair to fall to her shoulders. 

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