32. Not What I Had in Mind

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Carter's POV: 


"Make a wish!" Max yelled as he finished lighting the candles on the cake. Runt closed her eyes before blowing out all the candles in one breath. We applauded before Max sliced up the cake and gave each of us a piece. After we finished the cake we dragged Runt into the living room and threw her on the couch, all against her will of course. Then we went scrambling trying to find where we had hidden her presents. 

"I'm first!" Max announced as we placed our gifts down. He handed her a purple gift bag with green tissue paper. "Here you go Poptart!" he yelled excitedly. I think he's happier than she is at the moment. Which is pretty dang happy. 

"Thank you, Max!" she yelled as she pulled out a new Bring Me the Horizon hoodie, 2 new Escape the Fate shirts, and a ETF poster sighned by all the members. 

"No problem." he said as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. 

"Who's next?" Runt asked. Jacen shoved her way forward. 

"Here!" she said placing a small box in Runt's hand. 

"Oh my gosh Jacen! Thanks so much!" Runt exclaimed as she pulled out a necklace that had 'Munchkin' enscribed on it's silver heart shaped surface. It also had real diamonds embroidering it. 

"It's nothing, Munchkin. Really. I'm just happy you like it." Jacen replied pulling Runt into a hug. Everyone turned to me to see what I had gotten her. 

"Well... One second." I said leaving out the front door and pulling some familiar faces in behind me when I returned. 

"Oh. My. God." was all Runt said as she recognised the men. 

"Hi, I'm Craig." Craig said with a small wave. Runt ran and hugged him. She did the same as Robert, Monte, and Ronnie entered. 

"Hi. I'm Tayleyy. Or Runt. Or Poptart. Or Munchkin." she said very quickly, making all the boys laugh. 

"Well hello there. Damn, you've got a lot of names. How about giving us your real one?" Ronnie laughed. Craig rolled his eyes. Woah there, cranky much? 

"Oh, sorry," she let out a nervous laugh, "My real name is Veronica Taylor Wesston. It's a mouthful, Veronica, that is. So people call me Tayleyy, for the most part. Max calls me Poptart, Carter calls me Runt, and Jacen calls me Munchkin." she answered. 

"Ah. Well I'm gonna call you Mini Ronnie." Ronnie said. Everyone laughed, but Craig. Who again, rolled his eyes. 

"And where did you get that from?" Runt asked. 

"Veronica. Ve-RON-i-ca. And of course, your smaller than me, so yeah." he said saying the 'Ron' part very loudly.  

"Ah. I get it. That's cool!" Runt said happily. 

"How about you Monte? What do you want to call me?" Runt asked going to where Monte had seated himself down on the couch. 

"Can I just call you Veronica? I personally think it's a very pretty name." he said. Runt tried to hide the blush on her face but failed miserably. 

"T-thanks. And yeah, uhm, sure. You can call me that." she said quietly staring down at her feet. I suppressed a giggle. She then went to Robert. 

"And you?" she asked. 

"Can I call you Westy?" he asked taking his aviators of and setting them on top of his head. 

"Yeah, of course." Runt answered before walking over to where Craig was still standing by the door. 

"Do you have a name for me?" She asked. Craig looked thoughtful for a moment before saying 

"I think I'll call you Tayleyy for now. After we hang out a little I'm sure I'll find something to call you." 

"Alrighty. Sounds good." Runt said never removing her smile. The guys got comfy and started watching movies before I pulled Ronnie into the kitchen. 

"Dude, what's up with Craig? He kept rolling his eyes every time you spoke." I said in a whisper so no one could hear me. 

"We got into on the road. I don't know, same old shit. I'm over it. If he wants to act that way then so be it." Ronnie answered with a shrug. I nodded and walked back into the living room with him where he sat on the edge of the couch and pulled me into his lap. I'm proud of Ronnie. He's matured a lot. I'm just happy he isn't letting this thing with Craig affect him. 

"Just shut up Max! Jeez. Always putting your foot in your mouth." I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Monte's voice. 

"Well you're the one picking fights!" Max yelled right back. I looked over they were both standing and had their fingers in each other's faces. Craig hopped up to try and calm them down but Monte stormed out of the house. 

"What the fuck was that Max?" I said once I had pulled him into the dining room. 

"Monte got mad 'cuz I signed this contract. He says that I'm pushing the band to be 'too mainstream'. It's a bunch of bullshit. Don't worry. We'll be fine." he assured me before walking back into the living room. I decided to drop it and join everyone back in front of the TV. We sat there for a while before Jacen and Max left, hand in hand, to Max's room. Guess I'll need earplugs again tonight. Craig mumbled something about going to call Gab, then he went to his room. Monte came back not long after and went straight to his room and slammed the door. Robert went upstairs to talk to him. Runt went down to the basement and I heard her playing the drums not long after. That kid is pretty good. 

"So, hey. I missed you!" Ronnie said, muting the TV and turning to me. 

"I missed you too Ron-Ron!" I said enveloping him into the best hug the couch would allow me. 

"I bet I missed you more." he laughed, leaning back on the couch and pulling me into his lap. I giggled and leaned back on him. 

"I love you." I whispered in his ear, then smiled as he kissed my temple. 

"I know you do." he said cockily. I laughed and slapped his arm. 

"Ow! I was kidding. I love you too." he said rubbing his arm. 

"You better. I just noticed, it's been six whole months since you've kissed me!" I pouted as best as I could without laughing. 

"It has been way too long. Next time we go on tour, you're coming with." I nodded my head before leaning over and kissing his lips lightly, almost teasingly. When I pulled away he groaned. 

"Stop teasing me!" he whined. I giggled before hopping off his lap and running up the stairs. I heard Ronnie curse before I heard his sneakered feet chasing up the stairs after me. I went as fast as my legs would carry me. I made it to my room and threw myself onto my bed. Ronnie ran in a few seconds later breathing heavily and laughing. Then he flopped onto my bed too, climbing on top of me. 

"Ronnie! Get off! You're a fatty!" I screamed as he planted a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek. 

"Okay." He said letting all his weight fall on me. I couldn't breathe! 

"Get out, unless you want to help me clean my closet out." I said once he crawled off of me. 

"That's not exactly what I had in mind." he said slyly before pulling me in for a kiss. I was shocked at first but kissed him back with an equal amount of excitement. He ran his tongue across the bottom of my lip and I happily granted him entrance. Before I knew it we were in a full out make-out session. ĤHe was lying down and I was stradling him. Then things got pretty interesting. 

I'll let your mind wonder. But I will say this, my first time was all I expected it to be. And much more, simply because it was with a man that I truly am in love with.

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