10. We're Not Alone In Our Ritual

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Hewwo =) Enjoy this chapter!! And oh, yes, feedback = faster uploading! And in case you didn't notice, Black Veil Brides was playing when I wrote this, so the chapter is influenced. Haha


Carter's POV:

As I looked out the window I heard Ronnie about to say something when Max and Craig got in, I was a little disappointed. It got dead-silent. Awkward. Max noticed and attempted to fill the silence with music, but when he turned the radio on Bieber was playing. He cringed and turned it back off. A few seconds passed and Craig got irritated at the silence and turned the radio back on, not caring if it was Justin. He simply sang louder so his voice drowned out Bieber's. The song wasn't half bad with Craig singing. It was cute when Max and Ronnie joined in. I felt left out and began to sing too. That's when Max decided to add some screaming. We started laughing so hard none of us could breath. Craig had to pull over to avoiding a wreck. Once he could breath again we pulled back onto the road and made it to the mattress store. As soon as we walked in the manager was staring at us like we were the black plague, probably thinking we were just here to screw around.

She walked over and asked "Can I help you guys with something?" She said it a little rude.

"Yes, actually. Can you help me find a mattress that give good back support?" Max asked, completely serious. I tried my best not to laugh at him. The lady smiled and directed him into a section of the store we couldn't see. Craig wondered off and started jumping on beds.

"Maybe I should've left these idiots at home..." I mumbled quietly to myself. Not quiet enough aparently because Ronnie heard me.

"Ouch" he said putting his hands over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Aw, Wonnie got his feewings hurt! I'm sawwy." I said lightly pushing him.

"Haha, it's fine. Let's go find a good mattress for sex." he said looking around.

"For what?!" I asked, astonished he'd actually say that.

"For sleep, duhh."

"Oh, you said sex the first time."

"What? No I didn't. I think you're hearing things" He tapped on my head making me scrunch up my face.

"I guess I am." I was seriously questioning if he actually said it and was just messing with me, or if I really just imagined him saying it. An hour or so later Ronnie, Craig and I all picked out mattresses. We even chose some for Robert and Monte. We were wondering around trying to find Max. When we finally found him his hair was a mess. So were his clothes. I was confused until I saw the manager lady in worse shape than him. Ew. I did not need those images of my brother in my head. Gross. We walked with her over to the cash register. She gave us a 5% discount and winking at Max. Disturbing images just popped in my head again, I pushed them out and shivered. She handed Max the reciept and told us when to come pick up the mattresses. We thanked her and left. I took the reciept from Max's hands and checked the back of it. Yep. She gave him her number. Ronnie and Craig high fived him. I nearly threw up. We finally got back home and everyone went their seperate ways. Monte and Robert were still sleeping, Craig went down to the basement to do God Knows What, I didn't really want to know, and Max went to his room making a mysterious call, most likely to the mattress lady. Ronnie went up too. I sat on the floor and tried to watch TV but Robert was snoring too loud so I decided to go upstairs and finally unpack.

I was looking through boxes when I noticed the one Ronnie had knocked over yesterday. I went to it making sure nothing was broken when I saw my jewelry box was open. Oh shit. I searched desperately for it, but it wasn't there. It was definately missing. Who would take it? It had to be Max! I stomped down one flight of stairs and banged on his door, ripping it open without bothering to wait for a reply. Max looked up at me and must have saw the tears in my eyes because he said into the phone "Hey. I gotta go, sorry. Emergency. I'll call you later." He hung up the phone and walked over to me and tried to hug me. 

Not Good Enough (Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن