Chapter 15 - Double Date

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Chapter 15 – Double Date

Leon’s eyes flickered through his thick glasses with a look that trailed between curiosity and disbelief, while the rest of his face remained expressionless.

“Yeah… about that…” I stammered. “It was Becky’s idea and she wouldn’t let me say no.”

Matt crossed his arms with a taunting grin flashing mostly to me. “Nerdy! Come on! Becky’s going to be furious if we’re late.”

Leon’s eyes narrowed as his hands caught my waist and with such ease, pulled me to his side. His hand was unyielding against me, though at the same time cautious. My heart raced frantically. If for exhilaration or for fear, I did not know.

“Becky did tell me that you should come along… If that’s what you want, of course.” I continued wryly as I watched the arrogant smile being washed from Matt’s face; his eyes fixing on Leon, then to me.

Leon tilted his head and let out a humorless laugh. “What’s not to like?”

Matt positioned himself in front of me as his dark eyes fixed somewhere else. “So… are we going?”

I nodded and made a hasty introduction. “Leonard—Matt, Matt—Leonard.”

“Her boyfriend.” Leon retorted, offering a hand which Matt just stared on for two seconds then shook so very reluctantly.

“Ah… The four-eyed new kid,” said he with a pretentious little smile before turning to me. “Is he coming with us?”

I threw a glare at him before turning to Leon for an answer.

“Sure,” said he, his face still vacant.

“Okay… I don’t suppose you need a ride then.” Matt wheeled back to his car without much enthusiasm.

“No need,” Leon called at him then, opened the door of the blue Audi then faced me with a sneer, waving his hand and stooping a little as he did. “After you.”

Matt’s car sped ahead of us while Leon revved the Audi’s engine with a smooth hum.

“Are you even allowed to drive this thing?”  I fumbled with the seat belt nervously.

“Yep. It’s mine.” A grin finally spread across his face which sped the thumping in my chest to a full throttle. “Got it delivered this morning. I didn’t like the idea of you having to ride with him.” He cocked his head to where Matt’s car disappeared.

I grunted and gripped on the seat as the speed gauge pointed to sixty and rising.

In no time, I was gasping as the car raced on the empty road. “I rode with him like, one time… One time and overnight you got yourself a car? Don’t you think this is going way overboard?”

“What? It’s an outdated model. Besides, I can’t drive Dad’s R8. It’d be too… flashy.” He was suppressing a smirk as his hand removed mine from being clutched so tightly on the side of my seat and weaved it through his fingers.

“Please keep your eyes on the road.” I said nervously. “And this isn’t flashy? Leon, it’s a race car!”

“I know, right? Good thing it comes in blue.” He chuckled softly, calming my brewing panic, making it easier to breathe. “Sarah, will you calm down for a second?” He squeezed my hand. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I swear. Now if you don’t like the car… or me driving, I’ll have it shipped back tonight.”

As Told By NerdyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang