Chapter 41 - Dear Winfred

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Chapter 41 – Dear Winfred

It was ten in the morning and still no sign of Leon. His car wasn’t parked outside. My eyes were all swollen and red. I must have slept while crying.

Grudgingly, I took a quick shower before deciding to rummage in the kitchen for something to eat. Becky was still sleeping like lard on a winter day when I left her. It put a stupid smile on my face just thinking about how lucky I was having her as my closest friend.

Yes, she might be loud, shrill, annoying and overreacting most of the time. But aside from the giggling fits, I couldn’t be pleased enough to have her. Today, for her and my sanity’s sake, I decided to finally stop crying. I couldn’t have her worrying about me when her hands were already full with Matt being the indifferent, pathetic excuse for a boyfriend.

“Sleep well, Becky,” I said patting her blonde head before heading downstairs.

Arthur was sitting on the kitchen table, reading the morning paper with a cup of coffee on his hand when I came in. He lifted his gaze and greeted me with a smile.

“Good morning. Had a rough night?”

“Err… Something like that.” I answered with the best smile I could muster. “Is Leon up yet?”

“Oh that,” With a gentle nod from his blonde head, he stood up and headed to the counter. “He didn’t come home. I had him check in the hotel just in case he had something to drink in the after-party. Personally, I’m not really a fan of his driving and most certainly not at night.”

We both chuckled at the thought. Leon seemed to have a compulsion to drive really fast as though it would make his teeth fall off once the speed gauge went below sixty.

“I-is that so? I was wondering why he didn’t come home… but it’s not like I was really worried… or something like that.” I dropped my gaze once I realized the warmth on my cheeks. With a wry smile, I slumped halfheartedly on the nearest chair and stared outside through the window hoping to see his blue Audi.

See you tonight after the show.

It was just a strong hunch but I thought I already knew why. The mere notion of it churned my insides. Somehow, I didn’t feel so hungry anymore.

“So what did you think about the concert? Pretty neat, eh?” When I answered with a tentative smile, his forehead creased as his blue eyes fixed on me. “Sarah, are you okay? You don’t look well.”

“I’m fine… Just a bit tired I guess.” I said.

“You’re worried about him.” It wasn’t a question.

I’d deny it but I knew Arthur could just see through me as though the words were written on my face so I just replied with a diffident nod.

Arthur smiled at me. “You don’t really have to. Leon’s pretty responsible for a kid. Perhaps sometimes too responsible that he gets really thick-headed to the point of keeping all the problematic matters to himself. I get this feeling that he’d have to worry about receding hairline and wrinkles sooner than me. Coffee?”

Arthur sat laughing and pushed a mug of steaming hot coffee in front of me.

“Thanks,” I nodded, deep in thought again as I took a sip. Leon didn’t come home.

Dear Winfred,


Today, I decided that I wouldn’t cry anymore.

As Told By NerdyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant