Chapter 17 - Revelation

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Chapter 17 – Revelation

The door opened and it was Matt who emerged. He looked panic-stricken and there was a grayish tinge on his face despite the tan.

“What the—“ He bolted to where I slumped miserably and hesitated to even touch me, as though I was such a fragile thing. “What happened, Sarah?”

I struggled to get on my feet without much success that I had to lean on Matt for support. I totally forgot that I hated him and let his hand on my waist. My vision was still blurred and it seemed as though the walls and the ceiling spun around me.

“W-where’s Becky?” I mumbled as we shuffled out of the restaurant with all the available pairs of eyes fixed on us.

“She followed Leonard with that—“ He couldn’t make out of that man either. “Who was that… guy? Did he do this to you?”

I nodded weakly. “Where’s Leonard? We have to find him.”

“Forget Leonard! Look at you!” he blurted angrily as his hand tightened on me. “You’re hurt and still… all you could think about is him. You can’t be serious!” His eyes softened, gazing back at me as we walked back to his car.

I kept my silence. It would take the toll on me to argue.

He helped me settle first with much care before hauling himself on the driver’s seat. “I’ve got to take you to the hospital,” he said mostly to himself.

“No… No need.” I pulled Leon’s jacket tightly around myself. “I’ll be fine.”

“Then I have to take you home,” he replied still not looking at me.

“No… I’ll wait for Leonard,” I said firmly.

Matt’s hands clenched on the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles turned white.

“I should’ve been there! Damn! I should’ve looked after you,” he yelled indignantly that made the passersby glance curiously at our direction. “It’s all about him, isn’t it? It’s all about Leonard even when he’s not around!”

The lump in my throat prevented me from making a reply just as his eyes softened and trailed on me. “I’m here, Sarah. I wish you’d see me, even just once.”

“Matt, please,” I pleaded. “Don’t do this to me… don’t do this to Becky.”

“Leonard wasn’t just a ploy to put me off, is he?” His voice started to break.

I nodded.

“That doesn’t change how I feel for you.” His hand crept to hold mine but I gently avoided his attempt and pocketed my hands.

I held his gaze. “Becky… she loves you, Matt. Since the fourth grade.”

It was treacherous that I had to reveal Becky’s secrets to him but I had to, if only to make him realize how much my best friend would be hurt if he continued being like this.

He stared at the steering wheel and after a few seconds, banged his head onto it again and again.

“Matt, stop it! You’re being ridiculous.”

He laid back on the head rest, stared up the ceiling before returning his gaze on me. “But I don’t love Becky, I love you,” he said softly.

My stomach cringed. I was too weary to argue anymore. The surroundings seemed to whir around me making me queasy.

As Told By NerdyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant