Chapter 40 - Run For It

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Chapter 40 – Run For It

After taking a few deep breaths, I followed the mass of concert-goers to the exit. All the while I kept a leisurely pace, keeping close to the west doors, falling back in line when I noticed that I was advancing from the others.

My heart pounded violently against my chest. I kept a discreet eye on my surroundings, impulsively checking if Becky was somewhere near. I spotted her walking to the stage and started taking pictures with her cell phone or at least pretended to.

Then she started towards the two tall, heavily built men in front of the double doors, her shoulders slumped, breathing raggedly as though having an asthmatic attack. When she was a few yards away from the men, she staggered, fell to her knees, hands clasped on her chest, eyes wide with lack of breath.

“H-help…” She croaked weakly as if choking.

“Oh my god.” A tall girl from behind me spun around and ran to Becky’s aid. “Help!” She shouted. The guards were alarmed but were not too keen on leaving their posts.

“Someone help them!” I shouted ducking instantly and scampered into the crowd to blend in. I sneaked my way back in front of the crowd as I saw one of the guards hurry to Becky who collapsed on the floor and wheezed noisily.

People started to gather around the commotion. Everything was just as we planned.

“My inhaler!” Becky rasped in between the wheezes. The guard on her side seemed to panic for a while, and then glanced back at his companion for support.

“Brunner!” He called with apprehension evident on his voice. “The medics! Now!” The other bouncer hesitated then left his post cursing under his breath.

That was my chance.

I sneaked to the door past the people who had crowded around Becky out of either concern or curiosity. When I reached the door, I took one last look on the commotion, then at the stage. Leon was still on stage, oblivious of the ruckus Becky just made.

I pushed the doors and slipped past them quickly so no one would notice.

I did it!

I should remember to thank Becky for this if I get out… hopefully alive. I didn’t have a clue she could act so well I almost believed she had asthma. Wicked little Becky!

Looking around with my eyes adjusting to the fluorescent glow, I started aimlessly through the hallways, my steps quick but unsure. I turned to the right, figuring that if the stage was there, it must be that the dressing rooms must be out there too. Not too far, I hoped.

Soon, I saw a couple of doors on either side if the hallway. One was a utility room and the other had a name plastered on the door.

Louella Cole

I froze near the door but mustered enough guts to turn the knob and take a peek after hyperventilating for a brief moment. My hand trembled intensity ten. The soft click brought me relief and anxiety at the same time. Through the small crack, I took a peek. Nobody home. I slipped in and looked around.

With a frustrated slap on my forehead, I began looking though I had no idea whatsoever I was looking for. The truth was I didn’t really expect to get this far.

My thoughts wandered back at Becky. Was she still feigning an attack? Had the medics arrived yet? They would surely find out that she was faking it. She could pretend it just was a bad case of hyperventilation which she happened to confuse as an attack. After breathing in a paper bag for a few minutes, Becky could pretend to get well and she could just walk away as though nothing happened. But I should’ve told her about the hyperventilation theory before we agreed on this stupid plan.

As Told By NerdyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora