Ariah's POV

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So... Noelle won't talk to anyone Daniel is avoiding me and now Aaliyah is a problem.. Great

"Hey Ariah" Kevin says

"Hi" I say shortly not to be rude or anything but I don't feel like talking to him.

"Look I know Daniel is acting like a jerk but-"

"Kevin I get he's your friend and all but please don't make him sound like a good guy"

"He is a good guy he's just.. Stupid" He shrugs

"Can I ask you something?" I sigh


"Say you liked.. I don't know Noelle for an example and like she started to date another guy how would you feel?" 

"Well.. I'd be crushed but if the guy makes her happy I gotta let her be happy" 

"Okay but what if the guy was actually just playing her?"

"Then I'd beat his.. wait where are you going with this Noelle?" 

"Promise not to tell?"


"Aaliyah came up to me yesterday and was saying that she doesn't like me and to stay away from her and Daniel and that Noelle 'has something coming for her'" I sigh

"What? Is she going to hurt Noelle? Does Noelle know? And who is she to tell you what to do" He stares at me worriedly if this boy keeps it up I'm telling Noelle he likes her.

"Noelle won't talk to me and I don't know and that's what I'm saying"

"Look I'll find out what I can okay?"

"Are you doing this to help me or Noelle" I smirk

"Both of you I care about both of you" He smiles and walks away

He SO likes her

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