Noelle's POV

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"Noelle?" Maya calls my name I have been so distracted ever since Kevin kissed me


"What are you thinking about?" She smirks

"Let me guess.." Ariah and Maya looks each other

"Kevinnn" They say in sync

"That's ridiculous why would I ever do such a crazy thing?" I lie

"I don't understand why you two just won't date" Devin says

"Shhh Devin this is girl talk" Maya says

"He's my best friend though!" Devin pouts

"Yeah stop being nosy" I tease

"Yeah Devin" Ariah joins in 

"Oh don't think we forgot about you" Maya says

"Why does everyone think I like him!" I groan

"Maybe because you do?" Ariah asks

"Goodbye losers" I groan walking away into a empty staircase 

"Awe running away from your feelings?" I hear Kevin tease I roll my eyes and turn around to see him.

"Oh no no no do not come near me you are not playing any games with me"

"What if I'm not playing a game? Maybe I actually like you"

"Yeah right" I laugh then he quickly kisses me first I try to resist but then just let the kiss happen "I hate you still"

"Are you sure about that?"

"No- Wait no! I mean yes! Wait ugh!" I cover my face with hands "You know what I mean leave me alone!" I snap running away upstairs.

I still hate him.

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