Ariah's POV

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Finally the school day is over I didn't see Noelle all day she probably stayed home maybe I should go to her house and see if she's okay.

"Ariah?" I hear a familiar voice my minds goes blank I turn around to see Daniel standing behind me

"...Hi" I say nervously thank goodness Noelle isn't here if she was she'd punch him on the spot

"Can we talk?" 

"I need to get to my bus" No I really want to talk to you

"Fine I'll get on your bus I really need to talk to you" He begs

"Fine" I sigh we walk out of the school and Maya sees us she doesn't say nothing only shakes her head and gets on her bus Daniel and I get onto my bus and people watch us as we sit down why can't anyone mind their own business? The bus ride is silent between us he must not want people to overhear what he has to say.

"So.." I say as we walk off of the bus

"I'm sorry"


"Everything I wish things could have been different but I'm with Aaliyah and-"

"What are you getting at Daniel?" I don't know why but my eyes are getting teary 

"That maybe it's best we stay away from each other so no one gets hurt..?" He suggests

"Get out of my face Daniel" 


"You know what? Noelle is right I should stay away from you all you're doing is causing problems" I snap

"I'm sorry Ariah" He sighs and walks away

I officially hate Daniel Veda 

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