Chapter 16

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Shit. My life is officially ruined.

I was frozen against the wall and my gaze was fixed on Alex who was walking-away-and-not-looking-back.

Trent was still looking at me. "So that's him, huh?" He said this with a devilish smirk.

The back of my hand automatically landed hard on his cheek. "How dare you! What did you do that for?"

He looked as if he was the one who was hurting more than I was. "I figured that maybe... maybe if I could show you that.."

"WHAT?" I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I was so mad at him that I was practically breathing fire.

"T-That I, I still love you... Maybe I could, you know, get you back." His gaze lifted to mine, drowning me in those pleading green eyes.

The situation took a little longer to realize. He was begging for me to come back. He still wants me. He still loves me.

"Do y-you want me to kneel?" he said, tears spilling from his eyes. "I'll kneel, look." He knelt down in front of me, begging for me to love him again. Just like how I always wanted him to.

However, contrrary to what I thought I wanted, I didn't feel anything tug at my heart. Is this what I want? Or is this what I wanted?

This was what I wanted before... before I met Alex.

I loved Trent, but I don't think I love him still. I wanted him, but not like this. Not like this.

"Get up, Trent," I said and pilled him on his shoulders. He got up and sniffed, his eyes red with tears.

"I'm sorry, Sky."

"I forgive you, but I.. I'm sorry, too. I don't love you anymore."

"That's not true. I still love you. Honestly. Y-You have to love me back, Sky. You have to," his voice broke at the word "you" and he looked like his world was crumbling right before his very eyes.

That was how I felt before. When he left me. Or did he just do it to protect me, just like what he said?

I couldn't take it. Alex is mad at me, Trent's crying in front of me. I just couldn't.

"I have to go," I said weakly. My energy and willpower was running out by the moment.

"Please go," I added. "Goodbye."

Trent closed his eyes, and nodded defeatedly. Slowly, with his head down, he walked away from me, out of the hallway, and into his car. The engine started and he drove outside.

Not more than two minutes later, there was a horrible noise of screeching tires and something that crashed. There was a scream.

Oh God, no.

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