Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Midnight and I'm still awake.

My entire body was tired from the night I spent with Alex, but somehow my brain was still on overdrive because of what happened.

He kissed me.

He actually kissed me.

Okay, I guess it was not a kiss-kiss, but still. Alex' lips had actually made contact with mine, so I guess I'm entitled to call it a kiss.

Oh my God. Oh my God.

It has been officially almost an hour since he kissed me, yet the event is sinking in just now.

I rolled over my bed, lying on my stomach and groaned into my pillow as I pulled at my hair absentmindedly.

I hate you, Alexander Summers.

Uhm. No, you don't. That was the honest part of me speaking.

Okay. So what if he kissed me? I'm pretty sure that he'd kissed a ton of girls already.

But it felt sincere. He felt sincere.

Shut up, stupid (honest) brain.

This is mad. Really, really mad.

And really, really right.

I swear, if that part of my brain talks to me again, I'm going to kill myself.

I sat up. My head shot instantly to my forehead, it was aching. I guess that's what I get for over-thinking.

I have to get some sleep. I have school tomorrow, for Pete's sake.

School—though I deeply regret it—where I will surely meet Alex and his football-playing friends.

What am I going to do when I see him?

Ignore him. No, that can't work. After what he just did to me, we have a lot of things to talk about.

Act normal like nothing happened. Well, besides the fact that he's acting strange and all, as if this boyfriend-girlfriend thing is real, nothing is really new about him. About us.

Us? There's no "us", Sky. It was just a simple kiss; I wish I could stop being such a stupid little girl.

Feeling defeated, confused and frustrated at the same time, I laid back down on my bed. I closed my eyes for hours, but there was no denying that I wasn't really asleep. I was still thinking of Alex.


"Morning, Sky," Dane said after spotting me in the hallway.

"Oh, hi Dane." I said, half-absentmindedly.

"There's a certain someone standing beside you," she said, almost like a whisper, and my brain didn't even have to think to automatically assume that it was Alex.

"Who.. looks like he's been waiting all morning... And who also looks like he has a lot of things to say," she continued.

Oh that's right, he has a lot to say to me after yesterday.

"Go on then, turn around," my best friend urged me, after noticing that my brain was in no right position to control my body today.

"Yeah, okay," I answered stupidly.

I turned around, bracing myself to see that pair of deep blue eyes I have been thinking of all night long.

Oh no.

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