40: Maisha Mapya

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I covered my mouth to keep the giggles from escaping.

"Jay, you can't hide forever," Nathan chuckled closely.

I could hear him walking my way and scooted farther into the small tunnel I'd made just for this. He walked straight by me and I relaxed a little.

"Baine, c'mere boy!"

Oh shit.

"Where's Lyra? Huh? Where is she?! Go find her! Go on, go get Lyra!"


I could hear the clicking of Baine's claws on the ice like floor and his panting getting closer. I covered my mouth and tried to be extremely quiet. But no one can hide from a wolf. He quickly found my hiding spot and snuffled around the small hole I'd packed loose snow around.

"She in there?" I heard Nathan ask.

I gasped in surprise when a hand shot through the thin wall of soft snow and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of my hideyhole.

Nathan hauled me up, "Gotcha! Did you really think I wouldn't get you back?"

I faced him and bit my lip, failing my attempt to stop laughing. I full on cackled.

"Har har har, you're so funny," Nathan said flatly, dropping my wrist.

I took one look at his face and started laughing again. Just a few minutes ago, I had grabbed a piece of coal and used it on a napping Nathan. I drew cat whiskers on his cheeks and a black dot on the tip of his nose. He looked so adorable.

"You realize I have to get you back, right?" He smirked.

I stopped laughing and started trying to get away. Scooping up a handful of loose snow I tossed it at his face. Nathan released me when it hit him and he tried to wipe it out of his eyes.

Slipping on the slick floor, I started to scramble away. A squeal escape my lips when an arm hooked around my waist and pulled me against a hard chest.

"Oh no, you're not getting away that easily," Nathan chuckled evilly.

He wrestled me to the floor, sitting on top of me and pinning my arms down with his legs. I squirmed and wriggled but I couldn't break loose.

Nathan produced a hunk of coal from his pocket and grinned down at me.

"Nooooo!" I yelled and squirmed harder.

"Hold still or it will be worse!!" Nathan laughed.

I stopped moving but scrunched into the floor as far as I could, squeezing my eyes closed. I could feel him scribbling on my face until the weight on me was lifted and I was free.

"There, now we're even," Nathan stood above me.

I jumped up, "What did you draw??"

"Go see," he smirked.

I dashed into the cave and picked up the pot of water. I gasped at my appearance. I had a mustache and a unibrow.

"I'm going I kill you!!" I growled and scrubbed my face furiously.

"Now you're just smearing it," Nathan laughed heartily.

I narrowed my eyes at him and contemplated what to do. On one hand I could grab more coal and fuck up his face. Then on the other hand, I could prank him back later. Either way, I lived with Nathan and he would get me back.

"Alright we're even then," I growled and splashed my face with water.

He grinned smugly at me and happily sat by the fire.

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