59: This happens a lot

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Fun fact: Lot Lizard-truck stop hooker, the more you know ;)


As of right now, it's midnight and I'm flying down interstate seventy three. We got off ninety one a few hours ago.

"Have you- *yawn*- seen a truck stop yet?" Lyra asked from the passenger seat. I quinted at the bright lights and tried to read the directory signs.

"Yeah there's one off the next exit," I mumbled and put on the blinker.

"Good," Lyra muttered.

I turned off at the exit and went past a shell station. I started to see more and more semis. Finally, we came to the lot beside a small field. Picnic tables were set around, and a restroom house was at the center. A few truckers sat around, taking a smoke or eating before they left or went to sleep. Lot lizards in tight clothes walked from truck to truck.

I pulled of the road and into the grass. Lyra grabbed a little bag and some clothes. I got my toothbrush and some pjs. We got out and I glanced around. This place creeped me out. It may look nice from the road but it was pretty sketchy.

"I'll be right back," Lyra smiled tiredly before darting towards the bathroom.

I saw a man by the restrooms smoking. His eyes followed Lyra and I started to involuntarily hate him. Disappearing into the men's room, I quickly changed and brushed my teeth, making sure I was done before Lyra.

Lyra didn't come out for a few minutes so I put my things away and took a seat at one of the tables. I eyed the suspicious man carefully. Sighing, I remembered how long women took in the bathroom.

"I feel ya man."

I was slightly startled as I noticed a man standing a few feet from me. He was dressed in leather and was smoking a cigarette.

"Huh?" I mumbled tiredly.

"I wouldn't leave her alone out here either. Waiting on my woman too. I don't like the looks of that druggie there," He said in a gruff voice.

"Neither do I," I chuckled.

"He's packing it you know," The man said.

"What?" I asked, a little shocked.

"Yup. That bulge in his back pocket isn't a wallet. You got anything to counter that? I sure as hell do," He asked, pulling his leather vest back to reveal a gun in the holster on his belt.

God, what side of the interstate were we on?

"Uhm, I don't have anything that's not illegal to pull out. Knifes in the truck with the rifle," I shrugged, "But I doubt he tries anything."

"Yeah I used to think like that. Used to until my girl got attacked. Shot the little shit in the leg and busted him for drugs. Concealed carry is a life saver. My Anne would've been gone. Wait a moment here," He said, throwing his cigarette down and snuffing it before going over to a big black truck. It was hooked up to a trailer with a motorcycle on it.

I watched him reach into the bed and pull something out before walking back over to me.

"Here partner. I'm getting a nephew a metal one for his birthday. You can take this one," He handed me a wooden baseball bat.

"You don't have to-"

"Nope, I don't wanna hear it," He cut me off, "I'd take her to a motel if I were you. We're going to one about thirty miles from here."

"She hates motels," I chuckled but considered dragging her there.

A woman with dark hair walked out of the bathroom. She looked like the man next to me, clad in leather and chains. They were totally a biker couple.

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