61: I know how he is

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"Don't stop believing!! Hold onto that feelinggg!!!" Lyra sang happily. She was driving now because I needed a nap.

I woke up a little while ago to her shouting at a McDonald's employee for forgetting to put ketchup on her burger. She got free McNuggets.

I'd rather have Lyra than the radio sometimes. I smiled at her before looking back at the map. Just a few more miles before we got into Texas, then I'd be able to remember all of the signs and we wouldn't need this damned map.

I contemplated napping again until we crossed the bridge this route was taking us over. I looked back at Baine and saw he was napping too but I figured I could wait to go to sleep in my own bed tonight.

"Five miles to the Texan bridge," Lyra said happily, reading one of the directory signs. She turned off this side of the interstate to head towards the bridge.

It'd be about another hour and a half or so. I started to get excited. I wanted to get out of this damned car.

"I can't wait to meet your family. Mostly your sister and Maggie since I haven't had gal pals in a long while," Lyra grinned happily. 

Oh god I forgot that she was going to meet my family. Excitement and fear set in. I like her, why wouldn't they? She is kinda rough and tumble, but that just means she'll fit right in.

"Yeah, they're going to love you," I grinned at her. I hope so, I don't see why they wouldn't. My fathers going to murder me. Hey, I crash landed in the mountains, found a great girl I feel like I wanna marry and I'm going to leave the ranch to see the world with her, love you, bye!

Lyra looked at me and laughed. I glanced at her, "What?.."

She reached over and took my hand, intertwining our fingers. I relaxed a little.

"Don't look so nervous Nate, I'll be polite," She promised.

"That's not what I'm worried about," I chuckled.

"Well, whatever it is, we've survived worse. Lots worse," She smiled reassuringly.

True, very true. That made me a little more reasonable. If we can get attacked by a bear and survive, I can survive my parents. Maybe.

I pushed away the nerves and grinned as we started to cross the bridge. Once over this, we'd be very close to home. I started to fold up the map, I failed, and just stuffed it into the console. I knew my way home from here.

Lyra pulled out a cold chicken nugget and nibbled on it. Baine was suddenly awoken by the smell of food and stuck his head up in the front.

"No! Mine," Lyra growled and pushed his nose away. He whined and licked her cheek. She giggled, "Alright, fine!"

She tossed another chicken nugget back for him and I shook my head, "You baby him."

"I did raise him," She shrugged.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, I decided I was bored. I groaned and leaned back in my seat, "This is so boring."

"Oh come on. It's not that bad," She chuckled. I directed her towards an exit we would get off soon.

"You do this all the time. I hate driving," I whined.

"Technically, I'm driving," She laughed.

I scowled at her and she laughed again. We stopped at a gas station so we could switch spots since Lyra don't know the way to my parents' house. It would be around forty five minutes or so now.  I was counting down.

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