79: You had me at steak n' beer

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The doctor was totally right when he said the meds would wear off. If I thought the pain in my side was awful at the moment, I was in for a world of hurt.

It felt like I'd gotten run over by a truck, and technically I had. They explained my injuries from when Richard had hit me. I suddenly remembered what had happened at the crossroads. Dad explained it to me further.

I finished my sandwich and gasped after hearing this, "What?! Dad, where's my baby? How's my baby?!"

Nathan's eyes went huge, "Baby? H-how long were you away from me?"

Dad sighed and looked at his shoes, "Lyra she's been better...."

"What baby?"

"Oh my god no!" I cried and gripped my water tightly.

"What baby?"

"I had to take her in. She's not coming back," Dad grimaced.

"What baby?" Nathan exclaimed.

"My truck!" I wailed, "I just paid her off!!"

He sat back in relief and chewed on a fry, "Jay don't do that to me.."

Dad squinted at him with a suspicious expression.

"Is she totaled?" I whimpered.

"Oh yeah," Dad pulled out his phone and showed me a picture.

I could've started crying right there. My truck was upside down, bent at all angles. The hood was torn off and the paint was shot to hell. I pouted unhappily and handed the phone back, "Damnit."

As it turns out, I was supposed to stay in this damned room for a pretty extended amount of time. To make things better, we opened up the blinds and let sunshine in.

I eventually got to stand up and walk around with Nathan right beside me. After a little bit, I didn't need my IV anymore. The wound on the outside was closing up fine, the concern was what was happening on the inside.

They apparently had to take the bullet out, which the doctor though it would be fun to show it to me. They had it in a little, clear, plastic container. Nathan was mortified and hid it from me.

I guess they leave some bullets in if they're not bothering anything but this one had just been tearing up too much in there. The doctor thought I would heal relatively quickly but I still had to stay.

Today marked the second week point and I was getting sick of this. Sure they let me wear my tank top and sweatpants instead of that paper gown and let Nathan sleep next to me. (The nurses thought it was cute.) But I was getting bored here.

I put down my magazine and sighed, looking over at Nathan, who was playing on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled, "You okay?"

"Yeah but I'm so sick of this room," I frowned. There's no entertainment here. The tv shows suck, and their magazines are out of date, that's why Ally's not here, she went to get me more. Dad had to run home to feed Baine and check up on things, so he couldn't tell me jokes right now.

Nathan looked around thoughtfully for a moment before smiling, "I'll be right back."

He left the room and I was alone. I sighed and watched out the window. The hospital garden way below looked inviting and the sun was shining. And I was stuck in here.

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