Chapter 7

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"I can't," I sighed, resting my head on the table. Ethel had been trying to convince me into showing up for the convention, and she was becoming more and more frustrated with my refusals.

"I can't believe this! Andrew, this is the third year in a row, you just have to come! " Ethel pointed out in a frustrated voice as she drummed her fake nails on the table.

I could see Ethan propped behind the kitchen door from the corner of my eye. He looked worried, probably because Ethel was shouting and making a big deal where there was none.

"Please tell him to make the right decision," Ethel said, turning to Ethan. Ethan reddened at her demand.

"I... I think he should do what his comfortable with..." Ethan trailed, shifting a little for Roxanne who was whimpering in an attempt to get past the door. She stretched tiredly when she finally got.

"Andrew, if this is because of Christopher I'll kill you," Ethel said, picking a pen up.

"This isn't about anything," I said in defense, raising my head. I was offended. It was not only rude of her to bring up Christopher, but it was awful of her to imply that he was the cause of my refusal.

I looked over to Ethan who was now giving us curious looks. I shook my head, wondering why on earth Ethel had even mentioned Christopher in front of Ethan. He won't ask about it, but I'm sure it'll be eating his insides in the absence of an explanation.

"Look, it's not like he's going to be there, and even if he was, I highly doubt he'd walk up to your stand just for kicks," Ethel said, rolling her eyes.

I sighed, shifting in my seat in discomfort. I didn't want to have this conversation, any of it.

"It's for your own good... It's for your career. I doubt your readers will be pleased with you missing the convention for the third time in a row. I know they're definitely tired of seeing me behind the stand," Ethel sighed, making me bite my bottom lip in guilt.

"It's not like that at all..." I trailed, looking at everywhere but at her.

"Well it seems that way," Ethel pointed out, making a tsking noise. "It seems like you're not interested enough to see them in person."

I sighed, shaking my head. "I don't know what to do."

"You can come," Ethel suggested. I ignored her, fidgeting with my fingers As I avoided her gaze.

"I'll think about it," I finally muttered, making her sigh.

"You always think about it," she said accusingly.

"Well, if by some miracle you agree, please ring me up and let me know," she finally said getting up.

I watched as she gathered her files before stuffing them into her handbag. Roxanne ran across the room for a pat on the head before Ethel disappeared out the door.

"I didn't want to get me mad," I muttered to no one in particular. I heard Ethan walk towards me, before the sound of the chair that Ethel had previously occupied being drawn. Ethan sat down, giving me a comforting gaze.

"She knows that," he said with a pause. "About the convention thing, it's okay if you have valid reasons," he said, taking my hand in comfort. I avoided his gaze in guilt; my reasons were not exactly valid. The truth was that I was afraid. I was afraid of the fact that someone who had probably forgotten my name would spot me.

"Who's Christopher?" Ethan asked, his voice coming out in a rough tone.

"Someone from college," I said, realizing that wasn't exactly an informative answer. "I — I don't like him. He wasn't exactly nice to me," I ended up adding.

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