Chapter 18

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"I'm heading out to the department store to get some things with Devein," Andrew said as he and Devein walked into the sitting room. Andrew was in a huge sweater, the hands so long that they hung around his hands in sweater mittens.

Devein seemed to like the way it looked on Andrew because she kept trying to stretch the arms of her sweater over her hands. She pouted when she didn't succeed and tugged at Andrew's sweater.

"Can I have a bigger one?" she asked, making Andrew look down at her.

"We'll see," he replied, making Devein break into a grin before she ran out the cabin's front door.

"She seems happier, right?" Andrew asked as he settled down beside me on the sofa.

"Yeah," I agreed as Andrew rested his head on my shoulder. The police station had called to find out if Andrew could keep Devein for another month or two. They were apparently having problems with finding an orphanage with free space for her.

"I should be going," Andrew sighed before giving me a quick peck. My face visibly reddened as he got up. I watched with no atom of shame as Andrew adjusted his jeans that had been riding down on his hips. He gave me an eye roll when he caught me staring before heading to open the front door.

"Hey..." Andrew trailed in a sing-song voice as Hector poked his head in as the door came open. He'd started hanging outside recently with the other chickens but came indoors once in a while.

Hector clucked before sidestepping into the cabin.

"Don't kill him," Andrew ordered, giving me an accusing look before heading out.

In the next few minutes, I heard the sound of Andrew's car drive off. I looked at the clock noticing it was barely nine in the morning. Irrespective of how long I've stayed here with Andrew I never knew what to do with my weekends here. The area was practically a ghost town and everything including the supermarkets and my college was located in the next one.

I took a shower before studying. I've been trying to bite down on my craving for cigarettes so I settled with a stick of gum or a toothpick instead.

I looked up from the dining table when I heard a knock on the front door. The knock was followed by the sound of envelopes slipping through the letter hole.

Roxanne got up from her sitting position under the table, crawling out before walking up to the letters with a wag to her tail. She sniffed at the three individual envelopes before maneuvering them into her mouth with her paws. When she was done she headed up to me before dropping them at my feet.

"What's this?" I asked, patting Roxanne's head before picking the letters up from the carpet. I placed them on the dining table before Roxanne gave a satisfied bark and ran towards the TV.

I narrowed my eyes at the white envelopes. On closer examination two belonged to Andrew and one was oddly addressed to me.

My expression changed from slightly puzzled to completely annoyed when I recognized the address of the writer.

What on earth does my mother have to say to me now?

I sighed before tearing the envelope open to read the contents of the typed up letter.

House 12,

Balox Estate,


Dear Ethan,

I'm officially married now. I've pleaded with Bruce to consider you relocating back here to stay with us. We've checked up on some colleges, and we'll be ready to plan your return in a few months. Please reply to this, stating the dates that would be comfortable for your return.

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