Chapter 27

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"I'm sorry," Ethan muttered under his breath as he avoided my attempt to kiss him. I stared at him, red-faced. This isn't the first time, it's been happening for a while and I was getting worried.

"It's okay," I muttered in response as I backed away from him. He seemed to relax before giving me a thankful look. He left the kitchen soon after, leaving me to wonder about his odd behavior in silence.

Did I do something wrong? I wondered as I cradled my caste. Apart from apologizing, anytime I tried to make a move on him, he avoided being anywhere around me in general. If I walked into the sitting-room he'll probably leave the place in a hurry. Was he avoiding something? Was I making him uncomfortable?

Possible theories ran through my mind as I tried to maneuver my way around the kitchen with one hand. I did get refrigerated pasta leftover into the microwave successfully. I watched as the food warmed up as I continued to dwell on Ethan's odd behavior.

It was late in the evening and he was probably trying to avoid the topic of a bath together this evening as well. It was devastating to see him avoid something he was so willing to do a few days back. I'd do it myself if I could but I couldn't and I kept on finding myself in the situation of asking Ethan to help even though it was clear he was wary of it now.

I took the bowl out of the microwave as I continued to contemplate over what I would have done to make Ethan wary of me. I used a fork to nibble at the microwaved pasta as I left the kitchen. I walked in to find Devin doing homework on the dining room table and Roxanne lying on her side on the living room carpet, her attention fixated on the show on TV.

I sighed, noting that Ethan probably locked himself up in the room we shared. I moved to take a sit on the sofa, changing the channel only to receive a whine of protest from Roxanne.

"It's my turn," I stated calmly as the dog tried to sway my choice of channels with her whining.

I watched the news for a while as I nibbled at the pasta. A small smile had made its way on my face when I remember how Ethan had teased me in the hospital in regards to my newfound appetite. I didn't eat as much as I did in the hospital since I wasn't as idle and asleep as much, but it had left an effect on my general appetite as of now. I remembered to eat now, and I craved things from time to time. There were moments when I felt horrible about it but I always reminded myself that it was okay to do what I was doing.

Time passed by and I finished the pasta before putting the empty bowl in the kitchen sink. Devein had finished her assignment ages ago and was now sitting on the carpet beside Roxanne as they watched TV together.

"Be in bed by eight, okay?" I said to Devein as I looked up at the living room's clock. It was already seven-thirty, and I hadn't bothered Ethan about bathing yet.

"I will," Devein said, turning to give me a brief smile before turning back to the TV.

I left the living room, wandering into the hallway before getting to my study. I walked up to my desk, taking in the new computer Ace had set up. I smiled at it, thinking how ironic of a present it was considering I couldn't really type or write right now. I wandered over to my bookshelves. Letting my fingertips wander over the books housed in it. I haven't been in here for a while. The place felt foreign, lonely.

My phone buzzed in my pocket pulling me out of my thoughts. I fished it out, unlocking the screen before checking my notifications. Ethel had sent me a message via Skype.


We need to talk. Are you available now? This needs to be face to face.

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