Chapter 25

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There are many things I've learned to hate about Ace Parker. To be more specific I've started making a list.

For one he was so nice that it seemed unnatural, he had no respect for private space, he kept coming around the cabin when it was clear he wasn't needed, and worst of all he felt as if he could buy Andrew's affection with money.

"Ethan, could you help me put this aside?" Andrew asked cradling his caste as he tried to look pleaded at the gigantic box that was blocking the path in the hallway. Ace was doing it again; buying Andrew so many gifts that he started feeling uncomfortable

"What is that?" I asked, turning to look at the package from the living room Sofa. From what I could tell, it must have been some sort of machine to be packed in such a large box. I just hoped it wasn't too expensive. The last time Ace gave Andrew a designer coat with a four-digit price tag Andrew almost passed out.

"It's a new desktop, the latest model from a very good brand." Ace walked in just then, giving Andrew that creepy smile as if asking if he approved. Andrew just smiled awkwardly at him before looking towards me as if asking for help.

"It's okay I guess," I said biting my cheek as I watched Ace's smile fall.

"I bought it for Andrew not you," he said, turning back to Andrew while ignoring my existence. I rolled my eyes as Ace started explaining the features of the computer to a not so attentive Andrew.

Andrew had been discharged from the hospital for about a week and Ace had been coming around like the pest he was ever since. He stayed in a close-by holiday house with his niece and nephew and I almost cried in horror when I found out he had at least a week left here.

"You know, I bought it to celebrate the debut release of your book this week," Ace smiled, his doe brown eyes shining with something that seemed like pride at himself.

"It was very thoughtful of you, thank you," Andrew muttered as he watched Ace lift and move the package to another corner of the room.

"There," he said as he dusted his hands on his jeans. "I can come to help you hook it up later tomorrow—"

"Don't worry Ace I'm sure I can help Andrew with that." I cut in. There was no way I was letting him have an excuse to come here tomorrow. Ace glared at me before looking over at Andrew in question.

"I guess he can, I really don't want to stress you," Andrew agreed with a small smile. Ace sighed when he noticed that Andrew was not going to back him up. I smiled to myself, feeling like I'd just earned a brownie point.

"If you insist then..." Ace trailed as he inserted his thumbs into the pocket of his jeans. He looked at the floor awkwardly before looking back up at Andrew. "I'll see you around I guess."

Andrew nodded before leading Ace out the door.

"He's such a suck-up," I commented wrinkling my nose as the door clicked closed behind him. Andrew chuckled before attempting to throw me a disapproving look. He failed hopelessly.

"Stop it. Some people can't help being extremely nice," Andrew said in Ace's defense. I snorted, not believing it.

"Look, I know you're still mad that we didn't get to spend your birthday together as we planned—or alone..." Andrew trailed as he came to sit beside me on the sofa. My stomach felt fluttery from the nearness. There was something about having Andrew close by that made me lose my ability to think straight. Like right now I was looking at him with a big smile and a longing gaze. I almost forgot I was supposed to be mad about Ace.

"I don't know why Ace came to the hospital that day, or why he refused to take a hint and leave us alone in the courtyard..." Andrew trailed as I watched him pick the threads on his jeans with his good hand.

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