[ 21 ] Halloween Night

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This chapter is dedicated to @inevitxble, for the gorgeous cover. 

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• C H A P T E R

T W E N T Y O N E •

His words were enough to distract me from thinking about the altercation with my mom, only for a little while.

As I wait for the public bus to arrive at my destination, after another fifteen minutes of contemplating at the park, my thoughts keep drifting to the conversation I had with Dean earlier.

He's always the one to end our conversations, which result to me becoming even more confused and distorted.

Once the bus drops me around my neighbourhood, I stride to the porch before taking a seat on the bench. For a while, I stare across the road and relish the quietness of the morning. 

The sound of distant chattering can be heard from inside the house, which leads me to believe that my dad invited a guest over.

Within a short amount of time, the front door abruptly opens to reveal both the figures of my dad accompanied by a stranger who appears to be of the same age as my him.

They seem to be so engrossed in their discussion, that it takes a few minutes for my dad to acknowledge my presence.

"Emery. . .you've been here this whole time?"

My eyes dart to meet his startled gaze. "I just got here."

Sensing a the doleful tone in my voice, a glint of concern dawns in his eyes. He suddenly rearranges his features before regarding the guy standing next to him. "Where are my manners, Melvin I'd like you to meet my daughter Emery."

I grace him a forced smile as my dad's friend approaches me to extend a hand. "Nice to meet you."

Instantly, I get on my feet to shake his hand. "Likewise."

Occasionally, my dad would invite his clients in the house, for communications regarding architectural design projects. When he isn't working at the architecture firm over the weekends, he's most likely at his office in the house, listening to a client's instructions on how they'd like their homes to be fabricated followed by him creating blueprints.

After exchanging greetings with his client, I take no time to subtract myself from their presence and head into the house. Subsequently, I head into my room before falling face-flat on the mattress of my bed.

Not wanting to think of earlier events, I prepare myself to doze off till the afternoon.

Unfortunately, my siesta is short lived once there's a light knock on the door.

"I take it, the meeting with your mom didn't end well?" the sound of my dad's voice resonates across the room.

Shifting to the other side of the bed, I don't respond to his question. A few seconds later, I hear his approaching footsteps before I feel his heavy weight on the bed.

"Talk to me Emery. . .please." a pleading tone overtakes his voice.

Reluctantly, I reveal the occurrence that transpired at the restaurant earlier. Since he's sat behind me and I can't see his face, it's much easier for me to tell him everything without seeing his look of disapproval.

"How could your mom not believe you?" my dad says irritably, "I mean you're her daughter for goodness sake. . ." he pauses once he hears a whimper escape me.

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