[ 25 ] Birds of a feather flock together

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Previously on Fool Me Twice Shame On Me

 Emery and Aaliyah stopped being friends after the latter's boyfriend joked about her almost drowning and Aaliyah was no where to defend her best friend. Natalie's now stuck in the middle of their dispute and doesn't know how to reconcile the two. Meanwhile, the romance between Noel and Emery has intensified, spiking up Dean's jealousy who later got into a fight in front of the entire school with Noel. Stacey managed to get inside Emery's head by assuming that Evangelina has had a crush on Noel for a while, destabilizing Emery all the more. Later, Dean confessed his jealousy to Emery.

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T W E N T Y   F I V E  

His confession is just a tip of the iceberg.

Never in a million years, would I have envisioned Dean revealing or rather (screaming at the top of his lungs to be exact) his jealousy regarding my close relationship with Noel.

From day one, he had made it clear that he resents me and has never hesitated to show just how disgusted he was of my existence.

Ignoring the way my heart is beating ten times faster, I try to compose myself as he stares at me once again, with an expression torn between horror and vexation.

Neither him nor I dare to speak up.

"I think this is the part where I'm supposed to leave." In this particular moment, it feels like we're the only two people in the world and Anthony's voice sounds so vague and distant, almost like a background noise.

It's not until I gaze elsewhere that I become aware of Anthony's withdrawal a couple of minutes ago. I struggle with my facial expressions and end up settling for a blank look.

"You can't to this to me..."

His face twists in perfect agony before he finds his voice. "What?"

"How can you possibly be jealous of our relationship when you've previously made it clear to me that you don't care?" I demand belligerently. "You don't get to be jealous especially after all the things you've done to me. . .this has to be a fucking joke."

After an abrupt gloomy look, his usual unreadable expression dominates his features.

"Glad to know how you feel Emery," he mentions stoically, "If it's too much news to take in, then you can forget everything I just said." He doesn't wait for my reaction before he swivels around, heading to the opposite direction.

I rapidly maneuver myself in front of him.

"No, you don't get to walk away after what you just told me." I shoot him an accusatory finger.

His eyes glisten with rage and he attempts to head in the other direction, but I'm quick to block his path.

"Get out of my way!" he orders in a callous tone. The scene attracts a few bypassers but it doesn't feel like we're in public at all.

With a look of determination plastered across my face, I don't pay heed to his words. "I'm not going anywhere until you explain the statement you just made."

His jaw tightens, with his furious gaze holding mine. "Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't have to justify myself to you and if I say that this conversation is over, then you'll just have to deal with it."

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Where stories live. Discover now