[ 1 ] So much for eating those tacos

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I remember the day I left Roosevelt High like it was yesterday.

The entire student body was incognizant of the accurate reason behind my departure since the majority of people made their assumptions based on what they were told. You're probably thinking I'm one of those teenagers who got bullied or kidnapped, except what I experienced has nothing to do with either of the criteria.

Albeit, my life is simply based on a series of unfortunate events.

For those of you who are slow on the uptake, I left this school because I couldn't bear to encounter the faces of those who had betrayed and deceived me. I fled to Boston to live with my mom  — bearing in mind that I desperately needed to start afresh. When I started attending the private school Park Springs Academy, I had the tendency of secluding myself from everyone. I guess that's probably why I didn't make a lot of new friends.

Who am I kidding?

The only friend I had was my cousin, Camila. I always built up a wall that way I'd never get hurt by anyone but at the same time, I needed someone to comfort me whenever I cried myself to sleep at night. That's why I thought my mom was perfect for the job.

Unfortunately, she was never around when I needed her. Since my mom's a lawyer, she was always busy staying up late at night to study her cases and memorize tons of information on laws. Most of the time, I ended up having numerous sleepovers in Camila's house. Thanks to my mother (note the sarcasm), I was persuaded into returning back to California in order to, as she so dismissively liked to put it — deal with my issues.

In her world, she saw it as her way of convincing me to do the right thing. In my world, I basically saw it as her way of neglecting my plea for help. Sometimes, I wondered if my mom turned cold ever since she and my dad got separated.

Now that I'm back in Roosevelt High, I could tell you how much I've missed this school but . . .

I'd be lying.

It's like nothing changed over the last two years and coming back here was probably one of the hardest decisions that I ever had to make. The pros of returning back to California are; I'd get to actually see my best friends — Natalie and Aaliyah in addition to, getting to live with my dad again.

One of the many things that constantly keeps invading my thoughts is knowing I'm going to have to confront my former best friend Anthony. He and I go way back in the eighth grade, when we used to have endless rap battles that usually ended with us quarrelling on who was the better rapper and so forth.

During my days in Boston, I distanced myself from him meaning; I kept avoiding his phone calls and his texts. We haven't really talked after my instantaneous departure two years ago. He knew that I was avoiding him because of his scum bag of a friend named Dean Darnell.

Oh wait, let's rewind to the beginning, shall we?

Dean Darnell; the guy that I used to have stupid feelings for, is for the lack of a better word, your typical troublemaker who possesses an aura to attract any girl in our school.

What baffles me, however, is why the female population of Roosevelt High falls at his feet when he's not even that special looking.

Okay so. . . that's a total lie.

I admit it, he is gorgeous as hell all thanks to his disheveled dark hair that always keeps falling into those pools of chartreuse eyes.

At first, I didn't want to have to deal with his arrogant and egotistical behavior considering he had a bad reputation but once I got to know him better, I grew more and more fond of him. Sadly, everything changed the night he invited me to the school's football player; Noel Anderson's party. That night, I finally realized that he had fooled me, my feelings for him were never reciprocated and every part of our relationship was a big fat lie.

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Where stories live. Discover now