Chapter 4 (What money can't buy)

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Kaylyn gasped as her brain registered with what her ears had noted. Matthew Mayhew had just offered her money to get lost...with the baby. She knew she should have been prepared for something of that sort, considering Matthew was a highly respected business man and this would have an effect on his image; she however, was not prepared, and so, the news took her by surprise.

She wanted to present to him a sum that would leave him penniless, but she thought not to. If Matthew Mayhew didn't want to face up to his responsibility by showing some damn respect, then so be it. She wasn't going to take any money from the man...she wasn't going to bargain with an innocent life...her child.

       Kaylyn swallowed and straightened her posture, not wanting to hint at even a bit of inferiority. She cleared her throat and narrowed her gaze at him.

      "Take your offer and fuck it. It will give you more satisfaction, than it would me," she hissed, turning to leave.

He chuckled briefly. "Don't act foolishly sweetheart. Don't do something you will definitely regret in the future," he exclaimed, his tone challenging.

Kaylyn turned and darted her gaze towards him, her blood boiling with anger. "The only thing I regret is coming here!" she spat bitterly.

She watched as the muscles worked up in his jaw, his green eyes deadly. It was evident that no one had ever developed the courage to speak to Matthew Mayhew in such a manner. How unfortunate, when the guy was a walking asshole.

She turned and left the room, hearing him mutter an audible curse.

     Kaylyn sighed, as she leaned against the closed door. Her eyes burned with tears but she quickly blinked them back. She gently placed a hand on her still-flat tummy and even though there was not much evidence of a child being present, the connection came when she realized she was willing to do this on her own.

     "We'll be fine," she whispered, as her lips quivered with a smile.


      "He did what?!" Faith spat the moment Kaylyn returned home and relayed everything to her.

Kaylyn nodded in confirmation as she dug into the bowl of ice cream that was in her lap.

      "And you didn't say anything?" she asked in outrage.

       "I basically told him to shove it," Kaylyn muttered, barely audible through her ice cream packed mouth.

Faith face palmed. "Are you an idiot?!" she asked in outrage.

Kaylyn beamed at her, wide eyed. "What?"

     "How can you be so stupid? You should have made him an offer and drain the bastard's pockets and wasn't that what you went there for? For him to know and for you to get a little support from him? You had those things and you pissed on the last one!" she hissed.

    Kaylyn scoffed in disbelief. "He treated the matter like another one of his daily dealings. Yes, I went there to see if we could come to a common ground concerning the baby but when he made that offer it only made me realise that I don't need to stoop to his level and belittle myself by putting my child up for auction. I wasn't going to bargain with my child. I'll be just fine," she exclaimed firmly.

Faith snorted. "Already feeling like a mommy, huh? That was really deep Kay, I've gotta admit but bargaining is what you'll have to do when you're in the supermarket and can't afford baby food!" she exclaimed on the top of her voice.

Kaylyn shook her head and sighed. "That won't happen. The baby and I will be fine. I'll find a new job and get a new place..." she exclaimed, hoping there would be truth to her words.

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