Chapter 10 (Need to talk)

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Jason stood there staring at Kaylyn then Matthew, lines of confusion wrinkling his forehead.

"Do you two know each other?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

There was a small silence, Matthew stood there mouth slightly opened in shock, staring at Kaylyn with curiosity, as if trying to place the missing pieces together.

"Is she the woman who fainted Jase?" he asked Jason a bit eagerly.

"Er- yeah," he said rubbing his temples of what might seem to be an impending headache.

Matthew's eyes widened as he gaped at Kaylyn, looking at her from head to toe. "What's wrong?" he exclaimed, examining her face.

Kaylyn sighed and hoisted her bag further on her shoulder. "I should get going. Faith's waiting," she glanced at Jason. "Thanks for everything," she strolled off, but Matthew grabbed her by the arm.

Kaylyn spun around suddenly, glaring at Matthew's hand on her arm, then at him, the challenge evident in her eyes. "What's wrong with the baby?" he asked anyway, his tone hard and demanding.

"Wait...How-?" Jason began.

"I don't have to answer to you," Kaylyn fired at Matthew.

"Don't bullshit me. What's wrong with the baby?" he rasped.

Kaylyn snorted, not cowering under the intensity of his gaze. "Don't pretend to care. It doesnt suit you," she spat then pulled her arm from his hold.

"What's going on here?" Jason demanded in frustration.

Kaylyn sighed. "I'm really not in the mood for this," she said, shaking her head before briskly walking towards Faith's car.

Matthew muttered a low curse and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "What caused her to faint?" he asked Jason evenly.

"Why are you so curious about the well-being of a stranger?" he asked quizzically.

"That woman is carrying my child dammit!" he ground out ruefully.

That left Jason speechless. He stood transfixed, processing the information. He found it hard to believe, as a matter of fact, he did not believe it one bit, and so, thinking of it as a joke, he began laughing.

"You know Matthew, I've never considered you the funny type, but boy you just proved me wrong," he exclaimed, mirth in his tone.

Matthew shook his head. "Look, I've gotta go and find out what happened. I'll talk to you later."

Jason stared at him intently, the seriousness on his face telling him that he was not joking at all. He was indeed serious.

"Matthew is she really carrying your child?" he asked lowly.

Matthew nodded.

Jason gaped. "Now how the fuck did that happen?" he spat in disbelief.

"You just said it," he cocked a brow.

Jason huffed out a breath. "You do realise that you're engaged, right?"

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Look man, I'll talk to you later. I have something Ive got to do," he exclaimed, and without awaiting a reply from Jason, he strolled off.


"What happened back there?" Faith asked as they drove in the direction of Kaylyns apartment.

Kaylyn stared blankly out the window. "Jason met Mayhew," she drawled lazily.


"They are friends... I think," she informed.

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