Chapter 36 (Parents)

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Matthew just stood open-mouthed, as he stared upon the standing figures which were before him.

     "Well are you just going to make us stand here until our legs give?" the woman exclaimed mockingly, earning a smile from Matthew.

    "Hey mom. Dad, " Matthew greeted, moving towards his mother to pull her in for a hug.

      "Mmm, it has been so long," his mother Rachel exclaimed, closing her eyes to revel in the comfort of the embrace.

      "Too long," Matthew said, pulling apart.

He moved towards his father and patted him on the back as they engaged in a brief hug. "Dad, it's nice to see you."

    "Likewise son," John Mayhew announced.

      "So what brought you guys here?" Matthew asked, moving to the side to allow them entry.

     "Well, we are finally back from our vacation, so we thought we'd surprise ya, " Rachel exclaimed moving into the house as her eyes roamed the interior.

     "Well I'm definitely surprised. How was Jamaica?" Matthew asked, closing the door behind him.

   "Like heaven!" John exclaimed brightly.

Rachel nodded in agreement as she slyly moved towards her husband, placing a hand on his chest, while their gazes locked lovingly. "And your father was like God," she teased, smiling up at John who smiled pleasingly before placing a kiss on his wife's mouth.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "You do realize your ages right?" he asked, cocking a questionable brow.

Rachel laughed and fanned him off while continuing her quest into the house.

      "Where's my grandbaby?" she asked loud enough so that if Sapphire was in the house, she was able to hear, wherever she was.

    "Grandma! Grandpa!" Sapphire squealed, meeting them at the entrance to the kitchen.

Rachel caught her just in time as Sapphire pranced into her arms.

      "Ohh my little snookums, you are growing prettier by the day!" Rachel exclaimed kissing Sapphire on the cheek.

She grinned as her face went red from the compliment. "You're pretty too grandma, for an old woman, " she grinned, while everyone else laughed.

     "Well you always know how to flatter your dear old grandma, don't you?" Rachel chuckled, pinching her cheeks.

     "Hey grandpa!" Sapphire beamed at John who effortlessly took her into his arms.

     "Hello to my favorite grandchild in the world," John smiled, talking secretly to Sapphire while Rachel's eyes landed on Jason.

      "Jason darling! Well aren't you just ravishing," she teased, moving towards Jason, who hugged her while they laughed joyously.

Jason chuckled. "Nice to see you Mrs. Mayhew. Mr. Mayhew, " he greeted with a smile.

Kaylyn stood smiling as she watched the interactions between family members. She was growing more nervous by the second because she knew her time would come when she would have to explain who she was, which she was unprepared for. After numerous guesses as to who might have been at the door, Matthew's parents were not one of them, and now her nerves were on a rollercoaster ride.

Just as Kaylyn put her thoughts to a halt, she swallowed hard when Rachel and John's eyes landed on her.

     "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine," Rachel beamed, moving towards Kaylyn.

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