Chapter 13

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When I finally awoke I looked outside and guessed it was somewhat past twelve. At least I had a good night sleep.

I got up, strapped my weapons on and went outside to see everyone doing stretches, washing their faces with water out of bottles and some even started practicing with there knives and such.

I walked up to a woman with a scar right across her face that went all the way under her shirt. She gave everyone a water bottle so I gladly took one and gave her a smile.

"Oh my," she whispered. "Y-you are that girl! The one who was out of control, t-that time. You almost killed everyone." She looked shocked.

I don't blame her, I would be shocked too if I saw a killer from the past giving me a smile. I sighed.
"Yes, that's me, Sarah is the name. I'll try not to go too crazy this time," I slightly chuckled.

I took the water bottle and turned around looking for a good spot between the trees that wasn't occupied. Finally spotting a place I jogged and started washing my face.

I then turned to look at everyone. Men and woman. All of them had someone that was dear to them, in prison. If you looked at it from that perspective you would think they were doing something very innocent.

But they weren't. They committed far worser crimes than what they're about to do. I was with them. I was one of them, and again, I'm with them.

I once borrowed money from Stefan. But I couldn't pay him back, so I had to do it his way. He let me join his little group and made me kill people, even humans, and I regret it. But not all of it.

The last thing he made me do was destroying half of the city we were living in that time. We placed bombs in the buildings. I guess that explains enough.

That was the limit.

"We're going to train, are you coming?" A man I've never seen before said.

"Yes, yes I'm coming."

When we were all standing in a clearing I spotted Uta. But it wasn't just him. Nicki was glued to his side but that wasn't what made the anger in me boil like the flames in hell. It was that Uta didn't seem to mind it at all.

It seemed like the very sight of them ripped a piece of my heart away. I couldn't pry my eyes away from them, even though I wanted to.

Someone shouted instruction that we could start practicing with whatever weapon we want, and I was extremely glad about the distraction I got.

So that's what I did for the day, what we all did. Aiming and throwing knives, slicing puppets first on their arms, then their feet, and last their neck.

Always hit the enemy first, where they don't expect it.

And lastly we took the guns out and replaced the real bullets for ones filled with paint and we dressed quiet a few layers and started battling.

The whole day I did everything I could to avoid Uta and Nicki. I was not in the mood to see them together, I'll never be.

I saw him trying to walk up to me with a slightly confused look, but of course he tried covering it up with his stone hard expression. The slut always kept him from coming to me. Not that I would let it happen anyway. They can go and start kissing again, for all I care.

But I couldn't help but wonder, when this operation is done, will I still be staying at Uta's place? Where will I go?
Will Uta keep Nicki by his side?

I shook my head. I need to focus on the things happening before me, because right now, we are marching.

To prison.


I decided that after this fanfic is finished, it will go trough major editing. V & C!

Red Eyes (Uta Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz