Chapter 25

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I quickly turned around and sprinted away, leaving the cheering ghouls confused behind. I refused to talk to Uta. He broke my heart, he broke my trust. He broke me.

I sprinted to Anteiku all the while dogging traffic. I didn't want to go to Anteiku, they could've told him that I was back. But my stuff was there, therefore I had no choice.

Finally I saw the cafe and just as I thought I had reached it, I felt my body slam to a wall. I was trapped between it and his body.

I kept my gaze on the ground, looking at two pair of legs. I didn't want to look up, not yet.

"You can't out run me, love."

Shivers, was all I felt. I didn't talk. I didn't want to.

He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up with force. I snapped my eyes up to his and we kept eye contact. He didn't show any emotion, waiting for me to say or show something.

Hah, not today lover boy.

We kept looking at each other and he finally broke the silence, in a not so pleased way.

"Why the fūck aren't you talking."

I didn't answer, I was too shocked. He never cursed while talking to me. He was really mad.

"Let me go," I managed to get out.

He looked surprised for a moment that that was the first thing I would say after not seeing him for so long. Then his expression quickly turned into one of furry.

"Why would you do that? I got Nicki in prison, finally out of the way. I thought I would see you safe and well in Anteiku. I come back, for what? Not you. I thought you were dead, it scared the shît out of me. Then I found out you were gone. This... This was even worse. Do you know how fūcking much you've hurt me with your actions? Do you know?"

He sounded very calm, making me even more scared. I wanted to believe him, I really wanted to, with all my heart. But something stopped me.

"Then explain to me, why were you kissing with her? And don't tell me all this bullshît if you kissed her. You chose her and left me behind! And don't tell me I'm lying, because I saw you and her, together, with my own eyes!"

As if on clue, my eyes finally gave up. Tears were slowly dripping down my face, but I kept my expression stern.

His features softened. "It was the plan of Yoshimora. He said I needed to seduce her, to manage her to follow me. That's why. I would never do that to you. You are the only one I truly care for, Sarah. In my eyes, you are still my little human. That's why I still need to protect you."

"Uta let me go," my voice broke at the end. He only tightened his hold on me. "Uta please."

He pulled back to look at my teary face. "Do you really think that now that I've got you, I'm letting you go?"

"No," I whispered.

"Your mine, and always will be mine. I am so sorry for making you sad and causing you to run away. I will never be as reckless as that. Please forgive me for my actions."

I didn't answer. How could I, after being hurt this bad. I wasn't ready to forgive him just yet, even though I misunderstood him. I was still hurt. So I did the first thing that popped into my mind.

I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. I held him really tight and felt him tightening his hold too.

"Let's go home."

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