Four: Best friend's Apartment

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As a writer, I'd give any thing to know what my readers are thinking. Please, whatever it may be. Point it out, I wanna hear you! I love you!


Honestly, I didn't like seeing boss in such a deplorable state. His apologizing over and over again made me feel pretty awkward, and you know me! You know I wasn't in this for a relationship, so why the f*ck was acting as if his world was coming to an end?

I couldn't help reiterating to myself, that he had absolutely no need to be worried? Yet he was. I really didn't like it. I couldn't bear the guilt. I had to do something about it.

Getting up from the bed, I pulled on my clothes, then walked towards the exit. Taking a deep breath, I turned and adressed him saying;

"Look, I know you're married. I don't want a relationship. I'm not here to break your family. I did that solely for the fun." I admitted, attempting to calm his fears.

My words however, didn't seem to bring any light to his face. Instead, his face grew more remorse. All this wasn't making much sense to him, and I could clearly see this on his face, when he lifted his head to look at me.

His face was chalk white. Pale. It was as if the life was being slowly drawn from his body, yet he was clearly not dying from the way his hands trembled.

— He wanted answers.

Why? Why did she have sex with me, if she knew I had a wife? What's her intentions? It was question like these that raced through Mr. Conle's mind, and it wouldn't be long before they poured out.

I'm no psychic, I cannot read minds, yet I knew exactly what he was was thinking just then, it was written all over his face and within his eyes.

Not wanting to compelled to answer his questions. I quickly opened the office door and hurried from his office.

Outside the office, I did a simple victory dance before returning to the receptionist area, where I smiled pleasingly at myself and continued working the rest of the day as normal.

Clients that day were very few, and as such I spent a lot of time within my head, thinking about just how clever, and yet how easily I had seduced Mr. Conley.

I couldn't wait. I really wanted the working hours to be over with.

The hours slowly trickled along as though the day would never end. I was impatient, I couldn't wait for the clock to strike 5.

Finally is occurred, and like a stroke of lightening I was out. Done! I was signed out for the day.

Once outside, I made my way over to my convertable, threw my bag onto the front passenger seat and drove over to my best friend Sandra's apartment.

Yah. She's that same blond hair, hazel eyed girl, whom I was with at that party yesterday night.

I really wanted to tell her about my experience. I just couldn't wait to tell her about the sex with boss. I just couldn't wait.

She won't believe me? She'll say. You haven't the guts! And I. I'll just laugh in her face, and explain how daring I was in pulling off the entire thing. She'll be shocked, and amazed too.

Just wait untill I tell her Mr. Conle sucked my pussy? She's gonna just so wish it was hers. — Little did I know, I was soon to realize the truth in the words my mother had repeated ever so often when I was just a kid.

You think much too much. The earth doesn't rotate around beliefs. That's what my mom always says. Humans aren't predictable, they don't always operate as what you'd expect of them and this was one truth I was soon to learn. Not even your best friend's reactions are always gonna to be what you expect.

— We really don't know people as much as we think we do.

Parking the convertible inside the garage to Sandra's twelve-story apartment building, I got out. Scooped up my bag from the front passenger seat, then walked off towards the apartment building.

It's not one of the more modern apartment buildings, but it was surely in good condition. It had a working elevator, water supply and everything else you'd want from an apartment building.

As the elevator door slid open I got in and exited on the third floor. I've been here so many times before. Sandra's apartment is literally just strides away from where the elevator door stood.

When at last I was standing infront of Sandra's apartment. I knocked twice then waited.

After waiting for about a quarter of a minute, I heard Sandra's voice on the other side of the door.

"Who is there?" she asked, peeking through the keyhole.

"It's me, Sandra." I bellowed, annoyingly.

Recognizing my voice at once she immediately opened the door and hugged me. I could tell she was happy with seeing me.

She's always happy to see me. Even when we are like just together like a minute ago.

"How was your day at the ofice? What time did you get home from that party?" She finished, moving in onto me.

"That's what I rush over here to tell you about? I mean, the work part. The party? Let's just leave it as I got home safe." I replied excitedly.

"Well then, tell me. What is it about work that's making you so happy? It must be something great."

"It was! It was way... past great. I had sex with Mr. Conle in his office today!" I shouted cheerfully, dancing around like a wild child.

Sadly, however, it seemed I was the only one who was contented with this new achievement of mines. My best friend seemed ripped between two worlds, and her response told me. She wasn't pleased, and she wasn't gonna be sharing in this happiness of mines.

"What? You did what? "She Asked, making a face of disgust.

I couldn't understand. Why? Why was my best friend mad at me, I just couldn't understand. Yet I did learnt one thing. Things don't always go as expected.

What had I done? She has always encouraged me to be loyal and stay true to one guy. But she had long came to the realization that the genetic coding for relationship was missing from my DNA.

So... What's wrong? Is there a difference between fucking your boss and fucking some other guy?

I've told her before of my desire to fuck Mr. Conley, and... She's never approved or rebuked the idea. She only smiled.

So why the hell now was she acting as if I had just crossed all limits? Why was she acting like such a bitch? Why?

Is it possible she thought I was kidding all this time?


Dear Readers: This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

Thank you! <3

Untamed Desires [COMPLETED] [16+]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin