Zero - The Party

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First Draft: Not yet edited or proofed read!!!


The entire dance floor glowed red, green, and orange, as the respective laser beams shot from the rotating lights in the ceiling. The DJ's throbbing R'n'B and Pop music together with the laser beams, cemented the pace to get laid.

The party's atmosphere was great, growing hot and sticky as the night progressed. Sandra and I were enjoying it. Our waistlines moved daintily, while our hands swayed wildly above our heads.

It was an exciting Thursday night, the building vibrated even harder as the DJ increased the bass. The floor was crowded with teens and young adults, dancing and romancing.

Then almost like a ritual.

There were the so-called. 'Girl Guys'. Personally, I couldn't see why girls liked them. Which is probably because I was not interested in guys more than the ordinary. 'Girl Guys?' They're simply players— mean, cheap and inconsiderate!

All they do is flirt, and they do it well. As the clock ticked they could be seen marching upstairs with another prey. Another female to whom they had given an overdosage of alcohol.  

How awful and unthoughtful? I thought. They really didn't care about those females. They simply deceived the girls into believing they were friends. Drunk them, then effortlessly slide between their legs.

The party was kicking, and so was Sandra and I. We had to be really belligerent, to navigate through the densely populated room of party animals. Some tipsy. Some pretending and some even on the floor. Drunk I guessed.

"Sandra! Wait up" I shouted, reaching out and gripping her hand before she was absorbed within the crowd. If we were to lose each other in this massive crowd, it would be fruitless to try reuniting.

I'm kinda what you would call a slut, but I don't get involved with those... so-called 'Girl Guys'. They're what I call pervs, and I don't fuck pervs. I choose my guys, I don't get involved in meaningless monotonous pathetic sex. I fuck to fulfill my ego or just satisfy my desires.

"Don't you dare!" I barked, blowing off a guy who had just slapped me on the ass.

"Take it easy baby" Replied the guy, realizing I wasn't gonna be played into his arms like marbles.

The party was terrific. Sandra and I were dancing wildly, moving from guy to guy. I was really enjoying the party, and not a part of my body wanted to leave.

As we rocked to the beats, I watched as Sandra's blond hair bounced from left to right, and I once again wished I had hair like hers. Blond hair. Her long blond hair along with her hazel eyes were for me the perfect combination.

Once again I wondered. How has this beautiful girl been single so long? But without thinking I knew the answer. She has been too busy waiting for that right guy. That guy you and I both know doesn't exist and never will.

As the night rallied the party's intensity neared its climax. Teenagers and young adult females started taking off their shirts and wielding it in the air.

I was laughing my heart out when a fat girl removed her blouse and her breasts started escaping their leash. It was a real drama to watch as she tried to contain them.

It was just then, minutes to midnight that Sandra pulled me aside and started shouting to be heard over the sound of the music and laughter;

"It's getting late. I think we should get going!"

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