Sixteen: Michal Is A Sweet Guy

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The sexing and showering lasted about 20 minutes. And yes. I survived that foreign position, it was real crazy. If I showed you the position? The angle from which he stabbed me! You'd be like, wooo.

I used to be a gymnast in high school, which is partly the only reason I survived that move. Really?

When we were satisfied making out in the tub. We engrossed our bodies in the towels, removing from our bodies the specks of water that remained. Then we got dressed.

I took roughly another 20 minutes in front of the bathroom mirror, applying my makeup and all. I never leave home without packing my make-up kit inside my purse. Never.

This entire time, however, I was not alone. Michal was there behind me, studying my eyes in the mirror while squeezing my shoulders and kissing my neck.

Which I believe explaines the extended period I took. When at last I applied the last batch of make-up, Michal took my hand into his and we began to disembark the stairs to the dining area.

While descending the stairs to the dining area. I could think of nothing but the times Michal and I would face, as a couple. Together. Would we be able to withstand all that was to come? Or would we part?

These thoughts plagued me all the way to the end of the stairs, there the ground became even all around. Lined with chairs, tables, and happy faces.

Faces of couples like Michal and mines. Eating, drinking and laughing. These couples. They look so perfect together. So happy.

Looking at them, I felt like crying. I just wished Michal and I would be as happy as they were, or even happier.

Pulling out a chair Michal instructed me to have a seat, then he sat on the chair next to mines. He then signaled a waitress and ordered two breakfast special. Which she returned with just minutes later.

"Anything else you'd like sir?" She asked professionally.

"No thanks. We're fine now." Replied Michal to the waitress.

After this, the waitress left and I lost my appetite. I didn't feel like eating. I was too worried.

"Babe? Why aren't you eating? You haven't touched your food yet." Noticed Michal, putting down his fork.

"I'm not hungry" I replied lying.

"Sasha, you must have something. I know you're hungry, And I know your head must be real busy right now."

"But please, have something, at least for the baby that's developing inside your tummy" Continued Michal, rubbing his hand across my belly.

I was feeling very excited, Michal makes me feel like I wanted to become a mother.

"I want to carry his baby. What will I call him, and what if it's a girl?" I asked myself, smiling.

"Wait! How can I allow my mind to wonder so wildly" I scolded myself.

"We're not even sure if I'm pregnant" I reminded myself.

"Sasha, you know what, let's go to a doctor's office right after this and find out if you're actually pregnant." Advised Michal, as if he had been reading my mind.

"Sure," I replied as Michal started spoon feeding me the breakfast.

Throughout the breakfast, we didn't have much of a discussion, as we were both anticipated the doctor's result. This news could change our lives forever.

When we finished eating our breakfast, we got into the Benz and Michal drove to the nearest doctor's office. Where he paid for the pregnancy test.

The pregnancy test did not take long, and in no time the doctor was out with the results. I really didn't want to be pregnant. Yet it happened.

"I'm pregnant Michal, the doctor's test showed I'm pregnant," I declared emotionlessly, as I emerged from the doctor's office.

"I'm going to be a father!" Shouted Michal lifting me a few inches above the floor and attracting much-unwanted attention.

I couldn't believe Michal was so happy at becoming a daddy. A smile spread across my face as I realized just how happy he was.

"Come on baby, let's go" Continued Michal, putting me down and leading the way to the car.

After the pregnancy test, Michal and I got back into the vehicle and begun the long journey home. It was daylight now and as we raced home, the journey seemed much shorter and the scenery much more attractive.

As we passed an amusement park. I spotted an ice-cream stall and I pointed to it.

"Ice-cream," Said Michal a myschevious smile speeding across his face. And I blushed.

"Sure. I'll buy one for us both. I'm driving, so... I have to keep both hands on the steering"

"Don't even thinking about it" I warned, as we got back into the car.

"Okay fine." Replied Michal, as I plaster ice-cream onto his cheek, beside his mouth, he licked at it like a dog. And we both smiled.

"Can you do that again" Asked Michal, after licking away most of the cream.

"Not at all" I replied, as I wiped the remaining cream from his face and ate it.

"That's not fair. That's mines" Cried Michal reaching back to take the cream from my hand, I hid behind his seat, but I couldn't hide from his eyes, they kept staring at me through the little rectangular mirror in the ceiling.

Realizing he could still see me, I came out of hiding and gave him some more of the cream.

"Let's pull over a second. I wanna use the bathroom." I lied.

"You must have weak bladder" He jeered, as he pulled into a parking lot and I pulled him between my legs.

Dam! The journey back home was very long, but verh exciting.

As Michal pulled into the driveway to my home, mother came out on the front porch and greeted us.

"I'm so happy to see you both, I was really worried."

"Why didn't you come home last night Sasha?" Asked mom. Her eyes locked on me.

"It was too late to drive home last night after the dinner, so I suggested that we stayed in an hotel." Explains Michal, coming to my rescue.

Michal's so caring, he's covering up for me. He's not telling mom that I was junk and unconscious.

I'm growing to love him more and more, as I spend time with him. He's just so sweet and caring.

Before Michal left he kissed me on the lips, in the presence of mother.

Mom's face beamed with smiles, and as we walked inside. I heard her said something along the lines.

"I may very well live to see my grandchild."

The day she had long wished for, when her daughter would find love, seemed to be unfolding before her very eyes.

How much more satisfying could she feel?



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