Eleven: The Apology

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Dear Sasha,

I'm sorry for the way things turned out two weeks ago when I came over for dinner. Please forgive my actions allow me a second chance. I promise this time I'll do things differently.

I've gone ahead and made reservations for a dinner at "Loshous Diners" and I would love to spend the night there with you. I'm thinking maybe we could sort our differences out and get to know each other a bit better.

Please reply as soon as you get this message. I'm really sorry if what I did then made you feel cheap, I'm real sorry.

I was screaming for joy after reading Michal's message. It was very pathetic.

Hastily I punched in my reply, informing him that I'd accepted his apology, and I wanted to go for dinner with him.

I was extremely happy, after all that had occurred, Michal was still thinking of me.


"Yes mom" I answered, turning around to see her standing in the door frame.

"I heard your screams, why were you screaming? Is something wrong?" Asked mother, studying my face carefully.

My mom's very caring. She's always looking over me and making sure I'm in the best of health. Even now that I'm nineteen. She still has my health and happiness as her first priority.

"Everything is fine mom. I'm okay. I just received a dinner invitation from Michal."

"He wants to take me out for dinner," I replied excitedly, hugging her tightly.

"Mom I'm very excited. Mom I've never felt like this for any guy before. Mom seriously, I think I'm falling for Michal" I spluttered, burying my head in her neck.

"I knew you'd come to terms with love. I know you'll get married. I just know. And you know what? Michal is the guy." Smiled mom, then patting me on the back.

She then went on to kissing me on the forehead, and as she walked off I saw a speck of tears fall from her eyes.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too darling dear." Sniffed mom, She was crying. Tears of joy they were. I could tell.

The smile I've seen on her face today was the brightest I've seen in ages, but the reasons behind her happiness weren't anything I could ever see myself giving her, and this made me feel melancholic for a brief moment.

"I don't know what mom is talking about, me? married? That's a no, no."

"That's never going to happen," I said to myself, as I recovered.

All I knew was that right then, I was very happy. And Michal was the reason behind this happiness. This contagious happiness which seemed to have spread rapidly to my mom.

For her, I was finally gonna become the daughter she wished she had, and me? All I could say was. Nonsense. How could she even allow herself to think like this?

She has always been resentful about my chosen way of living. The way I despised relationship, but to believe I had change? Was outrageous.

I couldn't see myself changing for Michal. Not even once. I just knew that because of him my family was happier than ever. It was really hard accepting the reality that Michal had sent me a dinner invitations. Of all persons, he could have chosen. He chooses me.

"He still has feelings for me," I said to myself, as I felt a prodigious fervor of excitement swept over my body.

Michal. He had really made my day. I could hardly believe, but he had sent me a dinner invitation, yah. After how I had insulted him two weeks ago when he came over.

I had treated his feelings as though they were garbage. Like I didn't feel anything for him. I treated him l-like, like I didn't care about his feelings, but the reality was. I loved him.

I just couldn't have it. It was going against my personal goal. Not to get involve with one guy twice. Twice is a relationship. And I was really, definitely, not in for one.

"Michal loves me. He's madly in love with me" I said to myself, rubbing my hand all over my body. As I imagined his skin against mines, his tender soft touches. His sweet yet demanding tone, as he whispers something humorous into my ears, and I smiled.

I wanted Michal, I want him like now. I was feeling real turned on, and all I needed to start steaming was Michal. I couldn't keep my mind off him, as I bit my lower lip and fingered my pussy.

Was this the beginning of something special? Or was this just another phase of my life. That I was still to find out.

Michal has been on my mind ever since that night, from the first day I met him in the park, I've loved him. But today, when he invited me for dinner, and apologized innocently, I was even more drawn to him.

I wanted him. I wanted him real bad, and I wasn't sure even my personal goal could keep me away from him. I wanted him.

I wanted to get laid, I wanted Michal.

"Ahhw. Michal" I mourned, as I imagined his lips creating ripples against my neck.


Dear Readers: This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

Thank you! <3

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