2- Scoldings and Servants

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I jumped back, startled at her disheveled appearance and fuming expression.
"You get over here right now!" She screamed, her voice loud enough to scare away any life form within a 300 mile radius. I forget what occurred next but before I knew it, I was in one of the drawing rooms being scolded for what I had done.

This was a regular occurrence and I did nothing to try and stop it. My father never believes me when I inform him of the harsh ways she treats me, so I can simply not get rid of her.

Once, I attempted to be pleasant towards her, only to struggle too much with the urge to misbehave. No matter how nice you were to her, she was always just as horrid as if you weren't nice at all, so to be completely honest, I don't even bother.

I never was one for rules, especially when it comes to Ms Maxwell. I wish to give her a beating, she deserves it. I might even say she almost deserves it more than me. Almost.

I may warn you that I did leave quite the surprise on her pillow for when she retires for the night.

In all honestly, I am in too sullen of a mood to laugh at any of my recent endeavours. I'm too sick with the anger of that blasted governess, the words she screamed at me still running through my mind, as fresh as they were a few hours ago.
"You worthless, rotten child. Your mother died from grief when she found out you were a girl! She knew that all your father wanted was a boy.! She hated you, she hates you still! You are the reason she is dead, you should hate yourself!"
Her harsh words don't usually dig that far under my skin, however, today they seem to have dampened my mode incredibly.

I hear a knock on my door and I call out for whoever it is to enter. I turn around to see Bessie there, holding a tray and a ceramic tin.
"Begging your pardon, Lady Rose, I've bought you some food." She informed, as she fully entered the room, closing the door behind her.
"How many times must I tell you Bessie, calling me Rose is fine." I replied, a slight dullness leaking through my voice, despite my attempts to be joyous.
"Very well... Rose." She muttered, hesitation apparent in her voice.

My mood instantly lightened as I glanced at the food laden on the tray.
"Thank you Bessie." I smiled contently at her, beginning to dive into my meal.

We began to talk about today's events. The servants are livid with anger. Muttering the most horribly unkind words about Ms Maxwell. Bessie informed me that Frank, one of the footmen here has given her a nickname, too crude for me to even mention. He also deliberately spilt gravy on her dress today whilst serving her dinner. He claimed that his job was "to serve Lady Rose, not an evil monster" and she absolutely lost it. Threatening to have him fired.

I must remember to thank him tomorrow.

Bessie and I continued talking throughout the night, laughing outrageously at the latest servant gossip. Bessie is the closest thing I have to a friend in this lonely manor house, and I am glad to have her, as she is the best at lightening moods.

I began growing tired and decided to retire to bed. As Bessie began to leave the room she reminded me that my father was returning home tomorrow for my birthday. I had completely and utterly forgot that he was visiting due to all that had happened today, and am now in the most joyous of moods.

I simply cannot wait to wake up tomorrow. For several reasons, one being I get to see my dearest father, a rare and fine occasion. Two, being that Ms Maxwell may not treat me poorly in my father's presence, which shall be fun and simply splendid. Three, my 17th birthday is to happen that day, I cannot believe I forgot my own birthday. Actually, I can, since father is not usually home to celebrate this occasion and I usually spend it alone, hiding from my governess before she forces me to spend the entire day praying for the gift of another year.

Many girls are married by my age, but I am fortunate enough for that not to be my fate. My father would never force that onto me, he is simply to busy with his overseas work. I believe he was recently in Paris, which is quite exciting.

It is time for me to rest my head on my pillow, tomorrow shall be a splendid day, I can sense it.

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