13- The Girl In The Dress

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THE DRESS ^^^^^^^^^

Rose' POV

"Wow." I whispered, mesmerised by the surroundings. We followed a long, spiralling corridor until we saw a door on the left side wall. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. Theo looked at me with superiority on his face.
"Let me try." He strutted over to the door, flexing his muscles for me and I laughed, trying to keep my eyes away from his muscly arms. He gave me a smile which said "I'm so strong, I can open this door easily."

"Watch how it's done, you need a man for a job like this." He bragged, placing his hand on the doorknob and trying to push the door open. He couldn't do it. He tried again, this time with more force. He rattled the handle, shaking it and banging on the door. He looked frustrated and obviously embarrassed. He shoved his shoulder into the door, but still... It didn't budge. I knelt to the floor with laughter, bending over and struggling to breath. I clapped like a seal and he glared at me, standing away quickly and straightening his shirt.

It serves him right for his sexist comment.

"The door seems to be sealed shut." He explained, his cheeks blushing red. He went to lean on the door and missed. I fell into more screams of laughter and he stared at me.
"Stop laughing!" He demanded sourly, his eyebrows creasing together and his bottom lip pouting. He looked adorable.

Once my laughter died down, I stood up and walked over to the door, now determined to open it. I pushed the door with as much force as I could muster and it swung open.

"Watch how it's done, you need a woman for a job like this." I mimicked him, putting on a manly and deep voice.

He looked angry. Comparing to a little prince who was just told he couldn't have a toy.
"I loosened it for you." He explained, trying to keep his man-pride still intact. I laughed and he nudged me lightly with his shoulder.

We walked in to the room and saw piles upon piles of wooden chests. On one side of the room was a cracked mirror, an old cupboard and a changing screen which had a slight split at the top and was extremely faded. I immediately became excited and ran over to one of the chests. I opened it up and inside, the chest was filled to the brim with old footmen uniforms.

"Try this on! Try this on!" I exclaimed, smiling at Theo who stood back watching me with a smile. His eyes snapped out of his daydream and back to me. He informed me that he most certainly would not, under any circumstances whatsoever, ever, ever, EVER change into that uniform.


"It looks great!" I giggled as he twirled around, performing a fashion show for me.
He strutted up and down the imaginary runway as I bent over laughing, tears streaming from my eyes. I realised it was missing something and dug through the trunk, pulling out a round hat to complete the look. He looked at me seriously, his mouth frowning and said "no", but his eyes were gleaming with mischief and happiness as his face slowly calved into a smirk. I ran over to him, my dress flying, chasing him and holding out the hat. He turned tail and ran, but I followed after him. He continued to dodge out of the way. I suddenly came up with an idea.

I clutched my side in pain. Leaning onto the chest beside me. Theo immediately ran over, helping me up and asking if I was okay. I leaned up and placed the hat on his head, falling into him slightly. Our chests were touching and his arms around my waist. I looked up at him, our lips centimetres apart. We stood for what felt like hours, before I stumbled backwards, staring at my feet and blushing bright red.

I walked over to another trunk.
"Oooooooh... Dresses!" I exclaimed. Digging into the chest. I pulled a green dress out, only to see the style was extremely unfashionable. I personally take great interest in fashion so was disappointed at the style of these gowns.
"These are from centuries ago!" Theo exclaimed and I laughed.

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