3- Presents and the Palace

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"Papa!" I exclaimed, running down the grand staircase to greet him, jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.
"Rosalind, dear, it's so good to see you." He said, gleaming with a smile
"You've grown, haven't you." He stated, holding me out at arms length to see my height difference.
I smiled and smiled, too happy to reply, instead pulling him in for another hug.
"I missed you so much father. It's been months."
"Don't miss me, I'm here now, and Happy Birthday Rose."

Father then went on to greet the staff and see how the estate was being kept in his absence. He next turned to Ms Maxwell.
"Ah, Ms Maxwell. How are you this morning madam?"
" Splendid, Thank you my lord." She gushed, falling into a deep curtesy.

We next began chatting over breakfast, father talking about his travels and missions he completes for the King, me listening intently and Ms Maxwell gushing and gaping, inputting into conversation every few seconds and being simply irritating.

"I have a present for my beautiful 17 year old" father suddenly announced, standing up and exiting the dining room, bowing servants trailing after him.

Ms Maxwell and I then were forwarded into the drawing room where we sat silently, the governess glaring at me with malice and jealousy.

Father soon returned, footmen carrying boxes and boxes of foreign gifts for me. I must admit, my father greatly spoiled me, but the large amount of gifts I was receiving today made me question him.

"Happy Birthday darling!" he said with a smile. Suddenly a man entered, ushering my father to the side and mumbling words into his ear, his smile quickly being replaced by a frown of concern.
"Open up your presents without me, I shall be one moment." He announced, before promptly exiting the room.
I sighed and decided to wait for him.

"Well, do as your father tells you and open them!" My governess squeaked.
"Sorry governess!" I replied, not too eager to repeat yesterday's events, and I began to open my presents.

Boxes upon boxes revealed gowns of all sorts, my personal favourites being the deep red velvet coloured gown, with intricate patterns around the collar and hem and the light pink silk day dress, embroidered with flowers and hemmed with lace. They were all simply beautiful. There were gowns of every colour. Blues, greens, yellows, purples, pinks, reds and more. Other boxes contained bonnets, hair pieces and shawls, as well as jewellery boxes and mirrors, perfumes and scents. The usual birthday gifts from father are books and I can't help wondering about the sudden elaborate gift giving.

Father re enters the room and I immediately thank him.
"Father. How may I thank you for all of these gifts? I cannot accept them of you, you never buy me these types of presents, this is too much" I ramble and he puts a hand to my mouth.
"Darling, I must leave. I shall be returning tomorrow."

And with that, he exited the room.

This is a usual occurrence with my father. Important duties lead him to be incredibly busy, serving the King. I must be strong and thankful. He shall be back soon to celebrate my birthday. Perhaps this is what the gifts are for? Because he will have to leave on my birthday, but he is usually never here for it, so that doesn't make sense.

I smiled at my gifts and began to take them up to my room, before the gown I was holding was snatched out of my hands.
"What do you think you are doing?" My governess scolded me.
"You shall not be able to look after these gifts, I shall keep them till you are old enough of course, you stupid girl." She glared.
"But...but.." Was all I could manage to say, before she snarled and stormed out of the room.

I stared at the wall and felt as if I was going to begin crying. But I wouldn't cry. Lady Rosalind Beatrice Ravenswood doesn't cry.

My father never sees me, my mother is dead, the woman who is supposed to look after me is destroying my happiness. My only friends are Bessie and Frank, a maid and footmen who I shall never see again when I leave this god forsaken house.

Nothing could possibly make this any worse.
Or, that's what I thought.

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I woke up the next morning to a knock on the door, Bessie entered and immediately placed a dress onto the bed. She shook me awake and hastily dressed me before I was shoved eagerly downstairs to where my father was sitting at the dining table, drinking a cup of tea and reading a manuscript.

"Ah, good morning darling!" He chimed.
"Good morning father." I replied, sitting down and grabbing a piece of toast.
"I have a surprise for you. " he beamed.
"You are to travel to the castle, and stay there awhile, where you shall find a husband and marry him. I've decided on some possible suitors for you."

I nearly choked on my toast.

"Father, you have got to be joking with me. Marry?! I've just turned 17! I do not wish of marriage, father please tell me you are teasing!"

My father immediately became furious, telling me I have ashamed him and should be proud that he secured me a spot in the castle, and that any woman would dream to be in my position. I was shocked and appalled at the idea of marrying, I don't want to be property of a man.

I stormed out of the room and into my bedroom, acting like a spoilt little brat, which I guess I was. My father organised for me to marry, and instead, I turn him down and storm off in an incredibly childish manner. Especially after all the gifts he gave me. At least I now understood what they were all for.

They were for my trip to the palace.

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