22- And the Clock Strikes Midnight

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There was another ball to attend tonight. The calm inactivity of Sunday has disappeared in a waft of dust and was now replaced in the buzz of what is to be the busiest week of my life.

So far, the season of festivities has not been that crazy, apart from the welcoming masquerade, organised gatherings (most of which I did not attend) and several dinner parties, nothing too extravagant had occurred. But now, the first week was over and celebrations have been thrown into full swing.

I looked around as I entered a drawing room. Ladies were abuzz with tittering and giggling ladies, gossiping about the handsome, eligible bachelors attending the parties and fretting over which gown they should wear.

Conversation soon, of course, turned to the Crown Prince and how "dashingly handsome" he was. They all screamed excitedly when one girl mentioned that he was looking for a bride. All of them imagining their heads donned with expensive crowns and servants bowing before them. I rolled my eyes at this, and then the Queen entered, accompanied by her daughter, the Princess Cora.

The loud and bothersome talking of all the ladies turned sullen, as everybody rose off their cushioned seats and fell into deep curtsies.

"Ladies, it is a pleasure to see you all again." She smiled warmly at the crowd. "Thank you for attending this gathering, and I now have to inform you of something important. Every day, from now till the end of the season of festivities, shall be spent with me." She gleamed and all the ladies flew into applause, gushing with excitement.

Me, however, my jaw dropped.
Every day? Oh god.

"As you were." She ordered with a flourish of her hand and the ladies all began to sit down, this time hands clasped in laps, backs straight. They wanted to impress the Queen. I snorted and skipped over to Elizabeth who was self consciously rearranging her skirts.

"Hello, Liz." I greeted and she looked up and her mouth opened into a wide grin.
"ROSALIND!" She exclaimed, encasing me in a welcoming embrace. "It has been three days since I last saw you! You never attend any optional events, but now you have to... So I can see you every day!!" She shouted in excitement and I snarled.

"What? You don't have a secret lover you meet with everyday, do you?" She questioned, eyes wide with this idea.

"If by lover, you mean a ladies maid, footman and Pr...um.. Primrose. Primrose is my horse." I laughed, hoping she didn't pick up what I was about to say.

She laughed and I smiled in relief. "A game of Chess?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.


Night time.
Party time.
Revenge time.

My mind constantly replayed over and over the embrace between Catherine and Theo. I could not allow myself to be angry at Catherine, she was not at fault as she knew nothing about my relationship with Theo. But somehow, I couldn't help but be a little bit annoyed at her presence.

However, I had no excuse not to be angry at Theo for his actions. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to make me jealous. And it was working. I cannot understand why this is effecting me so much. Honestly, pull yourself together Rosalind, why is this even on your mind? You hate the guy! He can do what he wants.

But still, he was trying to steal my friends and make me jealous? I would do the same thing.

"The ball begins in three hours!" Catherine announced as she threw the doors to my suite open.

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