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My whole life I had been plain old Shae. Nothing cool about me. I had grew up in a neighborhood filled with girls that seem to only care about themselves. I am the type of girl that grew up reading books.

My whole life I've always dreamed of a fantasy like the ones I've read. I know they are wrong, fiction, false, no part of them true. I'd always dreamed waking up to find my Prince Charming waiting on me.

I didn't know that my whole life would one day revolve around that idea. I didn't know my future was going to be affected because I had dreamt of living in a fantasy.

My whole life, I grew up in a library. I would find a new book to read every week. Some stupid story about a girl that couldn't save herself, couldn't find herself, relied on other people to get the job done.

I had grown up in the age of women discovering that they could do anything they put their minds too. Little did I know, that was all too true. Little did I know, my curiosity would one day get the best of me. Little did I know, my past of growing up with a book in my face would alter my whole reality.

Looking back now, I don't regret that night on the ledge. Nor do I regret the words I uttered before it all went wrong. What I truly regret, what I truly wish I would've done differently was, why hadn't I done this sooner.

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